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    Please enter your email address.

  • Job Info Form (US Locations Only)

    Location Method:

    Deg/Min/Sec Converter
    I Accept WirelessEstimator.com Terms and Conditions in use of this form
  • Some mock address text

    Address Responses


    Nearest intersection

    Please enter nearest intersection to assist emergency responders in locating site

    Please enter a valid intersection
  • Select Hospital
    • Click on list item to select
    • Click on list item to select
    • Police
      Select one of each
  • Final Review

    Company Name: Job Name:
    Job Address :
    Nearest Intersection :
    Latitude: Longitude:
    Fire Department Info: Municipal Police Info: County Sheriff Info:
    Dept Name:

    Dept Name:

    Dept Name:

    Address and Phone:

    Directions to Hospital (attach map) :

    Not sure which to choose?

    PDF Version Help

    Click to select preferred PDF version

    • Map & Contacts Only (use own JHA)
    • JHA & Map - Elevated Work Required
    • JHA & Map - NO Elevated Work
    Enter Addresses:

  • Your email has been sent

    The form(s) you selected have been sent to your Inbox.

    You may also now preview and print the main Emergency Services or JHA Form. Any edits made in the browser preview will not be included in the file already sent. You must save as a new file to your computer if any edits are made in the preview.

    Problems, Suggestions and FAQs

    Visit our Emergency Services Locator community forum. Suggestions for forms to add to our library or to improve this service are welcomed as are general safety discussions.

    Please also report any problems you may have encountered, they will receive prompt attention.

    Custom Forms Integration Available

    Programs are available for integrating our Emergency Locator Service with your organization's forms.

    As demands on documentation keep increasing within the industry, several companies have already proven the adminstrative cost savings of such an integration.

    Wireless Estimator Tower Training
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Locator map help

Why so many choices?

Why some addresses are identical

In many cases the geocoding services will return identical addresses. We make no attempt to compare them for you. Often , however, they do not match which is why we provide multiple geocoding sources.

I don't like where markers are placed

Any marker can be dragged to a position that better suits your needs.

How do I change map zoom?

Three methods to change zoom:
1) Doubleclick on map to zoom in.
2) Use mousewheel while hovering over map.
3) Vertical slider on left of map is a "Zoom Control": Slide middle handle or use "+/-" buttons.

What is the "person" icon?

Drag the icon onto map to activate interactive streetview images. While dragging, any roads that turn blue have streetview available. Once in streetview use mouse drag or white controls to rotate or zoom images. Use "X" in top right of image to close streetview.

I'm having problems

Our aim is to make this service as user friendly as possible. Any problems you might experience will receive prompt attention.
Report a problem
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Services help

How to select service

Click on hospital or emergency service name in list on right. Green indicates selected.

Why aren't police or sheriff on map?

The hospitals are marked for obvious reasons. We mark the fire dept's as a convenience only. There is no practical purpose for marking police or sherrif locations.

I'm having problems

Our aim is to make this service as user friendly as possible. Any problems you might experience will receive prompt attention.
Report a problem