Wisconsin Wisconsin Flag
Electricians must have a state credential. For a complete list of credential categories in Wisconsin, and to check to see if your electrician is registered, click on LICENSES.

America's licensing divisions take their state rights seriously. Once a year they all get together at a highly clandestine meeting to ensure that there is as little uniformity throughout the nation as possible. Once they've been validated through dissimilar secret handshakes they set about their business of ensuring nonconformity wherever possible. Web sites are reviewed for any semblance of continuity; licensing classifications and requirements are added, revised, deleted, obfuscated and exploited. Singled out at the most recent non-reoccurring annual awards dinner was the new category: "Certified Non Credentialed Professional Mono Clono Gene Splicing Hygienist/Hotel Concierge."

Wisconsin SealOut-of-State Corporations
Out-of-state corporations doing business in Wisconsin must qualify with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. For information, click on Wisconsin DFI.

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