James Ruedlinger, (inset photo at left) and Sean Gilhooley have highlighted a few of the revisions made to the standard in the newest NATE video such as “construction plan” replacing “rigging plan.” They also discuss “should” being replaced by “shall” to ensure that workers will not be confused by permissive language.
NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association today released a safety video highlighting the revised ANSI/ASSP A10.48-2023 standard.
The standard—Criteria for Safety Practices with the Construction, Demolition, Modification, and Maintenance of Communications Structures—serves as the industry’s playbook and provides comprehensive safety guidance for the entire tower construction, service, and maintenance activities.
The video includes informative, back-and-forth dialogue between narrator Sean Gilhooley and James Ruedlinger, VP of Engineering for Fullwave Tower & Broadcast. During their conversation, Gilhooley and Ruedlinger highlight a few of the revisions made to the A10.48-2023 standard that all industry stakeholders need to know.
Some of the important revisions in the updated version of the standard include the transition in verbiage in the document from “should” to “shall”, the change from references to “rigging plan” to “construction plan,” the addition of an electrical safety section, the introduction of new exceptions and operational requirements, and other relevant updates in nomenclature and definitions.
“This video is a must watch for all stakeholders operating in the industry as it educates employers and employees alike on the updates that were made to the A10.48-2023 standard,” said Kathy Stieler, NATE’s Director of Safety, Health, and Compliance. “I would encourage all companies in the industry to purchase a copy of the updated A10.48-2023 standard that is available on NATE’s website.”
Stieler said, “Embracing and implementing this comprehensive standard into daily communication tower activities will enhance the culture of safety and quality in the industry.”