Scholarships are valued at up to $5,000.00 per year for full-time students (carrying a minimum of 12 semester hours) and up to $2,500.00 per year for part-time students (carrying a minimum of 6 semester hours).
The Tower Family Foundation recently expanded the non-profit organization’s scholarship program, which includes enhanced eligibility criteria and a new application form that supports more students on a merit basis. The application deadline to apply for scholarships for the fall 2024 semester has been extended to May 1, 2024.
The Tower Family Foundation is opening the program to the broader NATE community by offering a limited number of merit-based scholarships that will be available annually to the Association’s member company employees and their eligible dependents. The review and evaluation of all scholarship applications will be based on specific requirements related to academic achievement, future promise based on the degree program, and the responses to written essays.
Additionally, these Tower Family Foundation merit-based scholarships will be awarded twice per year (Fall and Spring semester) and shall be made payable to the educational institution on behalf of the student. Students attending regionally accredited post-secondary educational institutions such as 4-year colleges, 2-year community/technical colleges or institutes, and shorter-term vocational certificate/trade programs are eligible to apply for the scholarships.
The scholarship award is intended to supplement any financial aid package received by the applicant and can be used for tuition/fees and other expenses charged by the institution, such as books, laboratory fees, equipment, and supplies. Tower Family Foundation Scholarships are valued at up to $5,000.00 per year for full-time students (carrying a minimum of 12 semester hours) and up to $2,500.00 per year for part-time students (carrying a minimum of 6 semester hours).
Students interested in applying for the merit-based Tower Family Foundation Scholarships are encouraged to review the guidelines HERE and complete the official application HERE.
Interested stakeholders are encouraged to visit the Tower Family Foundation’s website at www.towerfamilyfoundation.org, to learn more about the organization and make an online contribution.