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Former Chairman Pai’s wish to lessen security gets a tepid response as FCC moves forward with reporting percentage

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The FCC voted unanimously yesterday to move forward on a proposal requiring carriers operating in the U.S. to report their ownership information more regularly to combat national security threats and allow the agency to get a better picture of the ownership of authorized companies. At the open meeting, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel capsuled the Commissioners’ concerns that the information is …

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Once tough on China carrier security, former FCC Chairman turned investor wants FCC’s security proposal watered down to raise capital

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In advance of Thursday’s FCC open meeting, where the Commission will consider an order and notice of proposed rulemaking that would protect the nation’s telecommunications infrastructure from threats in a national security and law enforcement landscape, a former FCC Chairman and Commissioner have registered their concerns that one area is to stringent and could affect investments in their company. Former …

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Communication worker safety zone cost questioned as FCC sweeps old pole standard ‘under the rug’: Duke

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Duke Energy is claiming that the FCC improperly used its authority to award AT&T “significant rate reductions and massive (though incalculable) refunds” in its opening brief filed last week with the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in its petition for review of an FCC November order denying it reconsideration in a pole attachment rate dispute with AT&T. Duke’s petition stems …

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TIA’s BEAD summit will thread the way for contractors and suppliers to take advantage of $42 billion in funding

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Recent trade shows have explored opportunities that will become available through the Broadband Access and Employment Program’s (BEAD) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), providing States approximately $42 billion to deploy broadband in America where it is not located. However, they were typically 45-minute sessions that often scratched the surface, leaving many unanswered questions. Fortunately, the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is …

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Reading isn’t required for FCC enforcement agents tracking down pirate radio broadcasting

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It appears that an FCC’s Portland, OR-based Enforcement Bureau agent might benefit from a quick course on using internet search tools and a little leg work to locate a pirate radio broadcaster instead of threatening a Baptist church property owner with a $2.3 million fine. The FCC said last week that their Enforcement Bureau is investigating a complaint about an …

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Watchdog probe says FCC enforcement chief and six others alleged to have traded in prohibited stocks

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Watchdog organization Campaign Legal Center (CLC) has filed a complaint with the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Inspector General and the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) concerning FCC officials trading stocks in companies they are banned from trading under federal law. According to CLC, the Communications Act prohibits any FCC employee from having a financial interest in any company significantly regulated …

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Pirate radio broadcaster never paid a $20K fine in 2015, so why does the FCC think they’ll get $2.3 million for a second offense?

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The FCC yesterday announced its first proposed fines under the Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act (PIRATE Act) against three pirate radio operators. The agency issued the maximum penalty allowable, $2,316,034, against César Ayora and Luis Angel Ayora for pirate radio broadcasting in Queens, New York. However, the Commission most likely realizes that the fine is more of a …

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President Joe Biden’s FCC nominee Gigi Sohn says she’ll go after another Joe deals a crippling blow

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President Biden’s pick to serve as an FCC Commissioner is withdrawing her nomination, following a bitter 16-month lobbying fight that blocked her appointment and opened her up to ruthless personal attacks. Gigii Sohn, a longtime public interest advocate and former Democratic FCC official who was first nominated by the White House in October 2021, said her decision to withdraw followed “unrelenting, dishonest and cruel …

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Republicans and big telecom are hoping to knock out Gigi Sohn in President Biden’s 2nd round nomination

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President Joe Biden is making his second attempt to break the deadlock at the Federal Communications Commission by renominating Gigi Sohn to serve as the third Democratic commissioner at the five-member FCC. However, there is still strong opposition to her appointment. In October 2021, Biden nominated Sohn to the position, but her nomination stalled in the Senate Commerce Committee. In …

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Verizon tagged with a $950,000 FCC fine partially because an employee lacked NEPA/NHPA expertise

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The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has entered into a Consent Decree to resolve its investigation into whether Verizon Wireless constructed wireless sites without complying with the FCC’s environmental and historic preservation rules, including rules implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). As part of the decree, Verizon will have to pay $950,000 …

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Senators and witnesses assail the inaccuracies they have found on the FCC’s new broadband maps

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Senators and witnesses assailed the inaccuracies they found in the FCC’s new draft national broadband map during yesterday’s Senate Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband hearing. Although last month when the maps were released, the FCC said that they expected inaccuracies. FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said version one was “a beginning, not an endpoint.” At Tuesday’s hearing, Subcommittee Chairman Ben …

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Stacey Abrams’ spokesman denies she’s seeking FCC seat as Gigi Sohn’s chances continue to erode

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Senate leadership is not expected to line up a confirmation vote for FCC nominee Democrat Gigi Sohn in this year’s lame-duck session, according to statements being made by multiple legislators. “Bills will likely get the priority” in the Senate’s December calendar, said Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. Cantwell, who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee and has voiced support for Sohn, said …

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Duke Energy heads back to court to reverse FCC’s slashing of rates for AT&T on utility poles

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On November 17, 2022, in a unanimous vote, the FCC stood by its 2021 decision regarding utility pole attachment rates in a dispute between AT&T and Duke Energy Progress, denying Duke Energy’s bid to revisit a ruling that slashed the rates that AT&T pays to attach equipment to its utility. FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel applauded the FCC’s resolution of the joint …

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FCC forces internet providers to publish ‘nutrition labels’ breaking down broadband charges

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The FCC unveiled new rules that will for the first time require broadband providers to display easy-to-understand labels to allow consumers to comparison shop for broadband services.  The Report and Order approved by the Commission creates rules that require broadband providers to display, at the point of sale, labels that show key information consumers want−prices, speeds, fees, data allowances, and …

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Light years ahead of previously cobbled data, FCC’s new broadband maps will still require severe scrutiny

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The FCC has unveiled the pre-production draft of its new broadband maps. These maps provide the best picture of where broadband is unavailable across the country. The maps will only get better from here, according to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. The FCC’s older maps collected data at the census block level, meaning that the whole block would show up as served on their …

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FCC to release long-awaited new broadband maps on November 18

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The Federal Communications Commission today announced that it will unveil a pre-production draft of new broadband maps on November 18, 2022.  This version is the first release of the map required by the Broadband DATA Act and will begin an ongoing, iterative process that will improve the data submitted by providers by incorporating challenges from individuals and other stakeholders. Broadband …

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From Davie to DC, Vertical Freedom premieres rev up excitement for its long-awaited November 1 release

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With two premieres in a week, Vertical Freedom, an epic, feature-length documentary film highlighting the professional and personal lives of six communications infrastructure workers to be released on November 1 on 18 video platforms, gave attendees a first-hand look at their compelling stories. Last evening, coupled with a workforce development panel that included NATE President and CEO Todd Schlekeway, NATE …

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Dish asks DC Circuit for a rehearing in their FCC SpaceX feud

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On Tuesday, Dish Network asked the D.C. Circuit to reexamine its decision to allow SpaceX to fly satellites in a lower orbit. Viasat and Dish previously sued the FCC, arguing regulators failed to consider, among other things, the potential environmental effects. Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) federal agencies are required to assess the environmental impact of their decisions. In August, …

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Workforce shortages and last mile technology are concerns at WISPAPALOOZA

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The industry’s workforce shortage and last-mile technology were critical topics during Wednesday’s virtual keynote interview between FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr and WISPA CEO David Zumwalt at the Las Vegas trade show’s WISPAPALOOZA that ends today. The video can be viewed below. Noting the Biden administration’s preferences for union workforces, Carr questioned employment favoritism “when right now we have a workforce shortage,” …

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FCC’s union shores up support for Gigi Sohn’s confirmation as the third Democratic FCC Commissioner

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  The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), which represents 800 FCC employees and thousands more, has come out in support of the nomination of Gigi Sohn for the still vacant fifth seat — and third Democrat — on the Federal Communications Commission. In a letter to Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, which failed to successfully report …