Industry experts Gordon Lyman (left) and Don Doty provided an excellent overview of the two new standards.
Subject matter experts Don Doty and Gordon Lyman conducted a live NATE webinar yesterday, entitled Game Changers! What You Need to Know About the New ANSI/ASSE A10.48 and TIA 322 National Tower Safety Consensus Standards.
Through a coordinated and collaborative effort led by NATE, the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE); along with other key industry organizations and companies supported by NATE, the telecommunications industry has proactively responded to major shifts in construction practices driven by rapidly evolving technology advancements and infrastructure demands related to construction, installation, alteration, and maintenance activities on communications structures to progress and facilitate quality work while ensuring the safest work practices.
Two of the monumental products of these collaborative efforts is the introduction of the ANSI/ASSE A10.48 Standard Criteria for Safety Practices with the Construction, Demolition, Modification and Maintenance of Communication Structures and the ANSI/TIA-322 Standard Loading, Analysis, and Design Criteria Related to the Installation, Alteration and Maintenance of Communication Structures, which together will succeed and replace the existing ANSI/TIA 1019-A Standard on January 1, 2017, as the national consensus standards related to communications tower construction planning and implementation.
This webinar sponsored by NATE and Fisher & Phillips, LLP was presented by Doty and Lyman. The session educated industry stakeholders on the key components contained in the A10.48 and TIA 322 National Tower Safety Consensus Standards and highlight the game-changing impact these standards will have from a construction, maintenance and engineering standpoint.
If you missed the webinar you can view the Power Point of the Webinar Presentation.