Vertical realtors that are truly concerned about an injured tower worker or the family of a deceased worker killed while engaged on a wireless project are joining together in a ‘buck a tower’ program to support those in their time of need through the Tower Family Foundation. The organization announced today unheard of operating expenses of only 2.73%.
The Tower Family Foundation (TTF), a 501c-3 non-profit, today recognized the updated support of tower owner/vertical solutions provider companies who are donors to the organization’s “$1 Per Tower” fundraising campaign with towercos Cellcom, Performance Development Group, Ltd. and Vogue Towers joining the inaugural list of donor firms participating in the capital campaign.
The “$1 Per Tower” effort involves firms who own and manage vertical communications infrastructure sites and commit to donating $1 or more for every tower the company owns directly to the Tower Family Foundation.
The following companies have joined this initiative and are being recognized for their generous contributions as donors to the campaign: Cellcom, CTI Towers, Insite Wireless Group, LendLease, Performance Development Group, Ltd., Phoenix Tower International.SBA Communications Corporation, Tarpon Towers, T-Mobile Towers, Vertical Bridge, and Vogue Towers.
Tower owner/vertical real-estate firms interested in joining the “$1 Per Tower” capital campaign are encouraged to visit the Tower Family Foundation’s online donor page HERE.
Foundation’s management track record is unsurpassed
One of the many reasons both large and small tower owners are supporting the TFF, in addition to others in the wireless industry, according to Chairman Jim Tracy, is the organization’s stewardship of contributions provided by all sectors of the community.
Today, Tracy touted the organization’s strong financial management and track record in noting that the foundation’s administrative expenses for the year ending December 31, 2017 as a percentage of total revenue was 2.73 %.
The Vilhauer, Raml & Snyder report identifying the percentage was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Whereas, according to CharityWatch.org., it’s reasonable for most charities to spend up to 40% or more of their budget on operating expenses, the TFF has an unbelievably low rate of less than 3%.
“The Tower Family Foundation continues to be steadfastly devoted to fulfilling its core mission by providing both immediate financial assistance and scholarship funds to eligible industry workers and their families during times of need,” said TFF Advisory Committee member Victor Drouin from Green Mountain Communications in Pembroke, N.H.
“This independent accounting calculation shines a spotlight on the fact that over 97 cents of every dollar sent to the Tower Family Foundation goes directly to eligible benefactors. You would be hard-pressed to find a non-profit organization anywhere in the country that operates with administrative expenses this lean,” added Drouin.
As part of the announcement, the TTF also released the organization’s 2017 Annual Report that includes highlights and summaries of the non-profit’s activities in 2017. To read the 2017 TFF Annual Report, visit HERE.
The TFF was established to help provide financial assistance to family members of a severely injured, permanently disabled, or deceased tower worker injured or killed in an accident stemming from working at heights on communication structures or other on-the-job related activities that tower workers are involved in on a daily basis.
The TFF is governed by a dedicated group of volunteer Board of Directors and Advisory Committee Members.
Donating to the foundation is remarkably easy. Contributions can be via credit card or check.
- To pay online by credit card, click on the “Donate” button at the following website link: http://towerfamilyfoundation.org/get-involved/donate/online-donation/, fill out all of the required fields and press the submit button. All credit card transactions are made through a secure, online platform called Paypal.
- To pay by check, please print out the Foundation donor form at the following website link: http://towerfamilyfoundation.org//wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Foundation-Check-Donation-Form-.pdf , complete the donor form and submit the form with your check.
Make your check out to the Tower Family Foundation and mail it to Tower Industry Family Support Charitable Foundation, 8 Second Street SE, Watertown, SD 57201.
Additionally, company and individual donations that reach distinguished level donations to the foundation will be given special recognition and promotion on the TFF website.
Interested donors are encouraged to visit the TFF’s website at www.towerfamilyfoundation.org to learn more about the organization and make an online contribution.