The city’s guidelines prefer fully enclosed meters versus standalone units . Small cell developers are also encouraged to use resort area streetlights.
The City of Virginia Beach has released a review draft of proposed design guidelines for co-locating small cell infrastructure on existing structures, such as streetlights and police camera poles, rather than erecting a new structure.
If a new structure is required, the city is strongly encouraging incorporating meters and equipment cabinets into the base of the pole, rather than erecting a separate meter cabinet nearby.
The city is taking comments regarding their guidelines through December 31, 2019, and expect their Planning Commission and the City Council to adopt the revised guidelines between January and February.
Concerns and comments regarding the guidelines should be submitted to Emily Archer at earcher@vbgov.com.
The goals of the design guidelines are to:
- Ensure that small cell infrastructure will harmoniously blend in the existing environment and add value to the surrounding context to the greatest extent possible;
- Enhance the capability of wireless service providers to deploy small cell technology safely, effectively, and efficiently for residents, businesses, and visitors to benefit from advanced wireless service ability; and
- Comply with all applicable state and federal laws.