FIRST PLACE WINNERS of the inaugural Tough Tower challenge in Ohio were foremen Robert “Slim” Moulton (standing at left), and next to him, Robert “Bobby” Merrihew of Michigan-based Dan Combs Consulting Inc. Fourteen technicians from seven companies vied for the top prize this weekend.
Fourteen tower technicians representing seven companies competed this weekend for the first place prize in the inaugural Tough Tower competition in North Jackson, OH, where they went head-to-head in a battle of skill and agility that included climbing, rigging, safety, installation, rescue, and speed challenges. Knot tying, crane maneuverability, and other skills were also judged.
STG Communication Services and Tri County Towers organized the event. During Saturday’s competition, Liberty Electric, Elevated Services, LLC, Paragon Services, and Dan Combs Consulting Inc. made it to Sunday’s semifinals.
Although the judges’ scoring was close for the Paragon and Combs teams, Robert Moulton and Robert Merrihew captured the first prize for Combs.
Competitors were required to be a member of NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association, with at least one member of the two-person team holding certifications in competent climber, competent rescue, qualified rigger, CPR, First Aid, and OSHA 10.