Residents near the La Fiera, Texas, TV tower are urged to evacuate until a new a new guy wire is installed
The Nexstar Media Group Inc. has raised concerns about a TV tower located south of La Feria, Texas, indicating a slight risk of collapse. Jeff Miller, Nexstar’s VP and General Manager, reported that the issue was investigated on Wednesday afternoon.
One of the outer anchor guy wires may have been severed on the east side of the 1,541-foot tower, which is slightly out of alignment.
The structure was erected in 1987 and modified in 2010. According to its FCC registration, Tall Towers Company, a subsidiary of Univision, owns it.
As a precaution, Miller recommends that people living close to the tower consider evacuating temporarily. He expressed regret for the inconvenience caused by this situation and stressed the importance of preventive measures.
A tower crew from Louisianna is expected to arrive by Friday to address the issue. Nexstar has arranged for accommodation at the Texas Inn at 1202 North Main Street for those affected and needing temporary housing. Residents must mention their affiliation with the Nexstar group at the hotel’s front desk to receive two nights’ lodging.
The issue with the tower has also led to the closure of the nearby David G. Sanchez Elementary School.