Make your company’s concerns count
As wireless contractors are acutely aware, contractor firms in the industry have experienced trends that have seen payment terms go from 30 days to 60 days, and now are settling in at 90 to 120 days, placing an undue financial burden on contractor companies.
It’s not whether these terms could potentially compromise safety and hinder the deployment of 5G networks and the overall global race to 5G, it’s when they will. And for some who have recently filed for bankruptcy or are considering closing their doors it’s already too late.
Over 250 wireless contractors have addressed those issues by completing Wireless Estimator’s confidential Terms of Payment Survey, designed through a joint effort of the industry’s leading contractors of all sizes. If your company hasn’t participated, now is the time since the deadline of Oct. 10 is quickly approaching.
The cumulative data collected from the survey will be made public and will be extremely beneficial as Wireless Estimator and the industry jointly explore the next steps in tackling payment terms and other issues.
If a contractor has a company policy against submitting information to surveys, no matter how secure and confidential they are, they can contact info@wirelessestimator.com and request an alternate company name and email address to use to fill out the survey.
This survey will provide additional information for the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) and the contractor community to reference in their future dialogue and outreach they have with stakeholders throughout the wireless ecosystem.
“I applaud Wireless Estimator for investigating extended payment terms and other issues with its extensive survey. These are issues that are currently plaguing the industry,” NATE Executive Director Todd Schlekeway said when the survey was introduced.