ALMOST ONE MILLION Wireless Estimator-originated JHA’s have been on America’s jobsites, many of them accompanied with additional safety forms.
For the past 11 years, the majority of the wireless construction industry has been keeping their jobsites safe and OSHA compliant with the nation’s leading Jobsite Hazard Assessment (JHA) forms that are automatically populated with emergency services information such as the nearest hospital, fire department, and law enforcement agency.
The service is available at no charge and takes just minutes to complete to ensure that crews meet and exceed all of the JHA requirements outlined in ANSI/ASSE A10.48’s Pre Job Survey form and the State of Washington’s Safety Standard for Telecommunication.
Your assistance is required for its next version
An updated version is scheduled for release later this year, and any enhancement suggestions and feedback will be welcomed. In addition, Wireless Estimator is seeking additional safety forms to complement its Forms Library that currently includes:
- Driving Safe Plan of Action
- Safety Meeting Report
- Personal Fall Arrest Equipment Inspections
These forms are easily available and can be attached to the completed JHA that is emailed to you and other members of your team.
Over 400 JHAs are prepared and emailed every day using the Emergency Services Locator (ESL) created in 2009 through the dedication of a workgroup of 16 wireless contractors’ safety directors and assistance from state and federal OSHA personnel.
Almost one million Wireless Estimator-originated JHAs have been on jobsites throughout America since the ESL was introduced.
Suggestions for enhancements can be emailed to craiglekutis@wirelessestimator.com .