It was discovered that a small number of pulleys manufactured from February 2020 through October 2022 may not have had adequate thread locker or sealant, allowing the set screw to back out.
A recall notice for Omni 1.1″ Pulley Variants, 20050xxx through 22304xxx has been issued by Rock Exotica, requiring a stop use and remove from service warning from the company.
The recall notice, AVAILABLE HERE, identifies that the button assembly on a limited number of 1.1” Omni Swivel Pulleys and associated variants may not be secure. If the button comes out the side plate can open, allowing the rope to fall out, which can result in serious injury or death.
It was discovered that a small number of pulleys manufactured from February 2020 through October 2022 may not have had adequate thread locker or sealant, allowing the set screw to back out. Under normal circumstances, either the thread lock or sealant is adequate to secure the button and prevent this issue.
“Rock Exotica is issuing a recall for Omni Block 1.1” style pulleys manufactured from February 2020 through October 2022. These pulleys must be returned to us for inspection/repair,” the company said in the notice.
Rock Exotica is also issuing an inspection notice for all Omni Block style pulleys made from 2018 to current. Pulleys can be inspected by the user / competent person, or if you are not comfortable doing the inspection, Rock Exotica said you can return it to them for inspection.
“Additionally, as a reminder, all products should be inspected before and after each use. For Omni pulleys, the buttons and set screws should be a part of this inspection, along with checking for cracks/deformation / corrosion, the action of the side plate, sheave and swivel eye, bolts, and general condition. Accordingly, we are including supplementary information on checking the button set screws for earlier Omnis made before 2018,” Rock Exotica said in the recall notice.
If you have any of the products, contact your equipment provider. If you purchased any of these units through Gravitec, they are contacting you directly, the notification from Gravitec said.