Tower Family Foundation: A decade of delivering financial support to affected industry workers and their families

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

Since Inception, Tower Family Foundation Has Awarded over $1.7 Million in Financial Support and Scholarships to Support Industry Workers and Families During Times of Need

Since the non-profit organization’s inception, the Tower Family Foundation has awarded over $1.7 million in financial aid and scholarships to support industry workers and families during times of need

The Tower Family Foundation officially celebrates its 10-year anniversary today as a 501c-3 non-profit organization supporting the industry’s workforce and their families. The Foundation officially launched during a reception and press conference that was held on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, at CTIA’s “Super Mobility Week” in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Ten years ago today, the Tower Family Foundation was established when Eric Steinmann of ClearTalk Family of Companies, at left, and Don Evans of Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC, donated $400,000 to get the non-profit organization off the ground. Steinmann said a 2006 tower tech fatality that he was knowledgeable of made him realize that there was no financial support base for wireless workers and their families who were severely injured or died while engaged in maintaining or building out America’s communications networks. He said he saw firsthand how a technician’s family had to struggle following the technician’s death and was compelled to reach out to NATE and others to start the foundation.

The impetus behind the Tower Family Foundation occurred when representatives of the ClearTalk Family of Companies and Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC approached officials from NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association with the idea of establishing a 501c-3 non-profit Foundation. Work began soon thereafter to lay the groundwork to create the Tower Family Foundation, whose mission is providing financial assistance to communications infrastructure workers and their family members in the aftermath of job-related accidents or fatalities and funding education scholarship opportunities for eligible industry communications infrastructure workers, their family members, and dependents.

In the decade since the organization launched, the Tower Family Foundation has fulfilled this important mission, providing over $1.7 million in direct financial assistance and scholarships to affected industry workers and families, positively impacting 186 benefactors and families.

“It is amazing to look back at the profound impact the Tower Family Foundation has had on so many people in just a decade of existence,” said President Jim Tracy. “The Tower Family Foundation’s success in fulfilling our mission statement is also a testament to the many companies and individuals throughout the industry who have stepped up and supported the cause through financial contributions and volunteer service. I simply cannot wait to see the impact the Foundation will have over the course of the next ten years,” added Tracy.

“Serving on the Tower Family Foundation Board of Directors and the organization’s Advisory Committee has been one of the most gratifying experiences of my career,” stated Victor Drouin, who also currently serves as the Chairman of NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association. “I am honored to have served with so many passionate leaders who are devoted to the organization’s core mission of providing support and standing alongside those in our industry who are in need,” added Drouin.

The Tower Family Foundation thanks the following companies and individuals who have made contributions to the non-profit organization that have reached or exceeded the distinguished levels of donation:

Interested stakeholders are encouraged to visit the Tower Family Foundation’s website at, to learn more about the organization and make an online contribution.

Tower Family Foundation Testimonials

I was surprised, shocked in fact, to be contacted by the Tower Family Foundation while I was lying in a hospital bed following surgery to repair a shattered pelvis. A few days earlier I had fallen 30’ from a tower to an adjacent rooftop.

The foundation’s generous financial assistance made a world of difference during my recovery. The funds they provided covered my insurance deductible and the cost of some needed medical equipment and helped to pay our household bills for several weeks.

I will be forever grateful to the Tower Family Foundation, and to all those who give of their hard-earned income to support the Foundation’s work. They have blessed our lives.

Randy Smith
Randy’s Tower Service
Rolla, KS

“My husband, Ernie Jones, was killed in a tragic accident on a tall tower in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Oct. 21, 2015.  He had gone on a standard four-day tower inspection trip.  He was due home on Thursday, the day after his accident.

The news and reality of his accident were almost unbearable.  I was a grieving widow with a lot on my plate. Insurance money was not immediately available to me and our granddaughter who we had recently adopted.

The Tower Family Foundation stepped up to the plate and within a couple of weeks I received a check in the mail for a substantial amount. I opened the check, dropped to my knees, and cried! This money and support from the foundation made an extremely difficult situation bearable. I will be forever grateful to the Tower Family Foundation.”

Kathy Jones, Rancher
Triple “J” Ranch
Lynnville, Indiana

“The Foundation helped my grandmother pay for the funeral, the Foundation provided support to help my mom raise me and my brother after my dad passed away, and this has been one of the best support systems I have ever been a part of.”

 Kristen Hawkins
Tower Family Foundation Scholarship Recipient

“The Colorado Wireless Association is dedicated to promoting, supporting, and educating our wireless industry members.  We feel that the Tower Family Foundation’s mission of taking care of wireless workers injured or deceased is the most basic and important way we can look out for the best interests of those who work in the same wireless industry we support.  It’s therefore our honor to be able to donate to, and work with, the Tower Family Foundation.”

Dan McVaugh
Former President, Colorado Wireless Association
Parker, Colorado