Son says he's "fully prepared to die" over spectrum concerns Business culture in Japan says you can fall on your sword if you've failed your company, but not necessarily set yourself on fire. However, SoftBank's CEO, Sprint's money man, says he will do both. Please see: Son |
Popular Reliable capstan hoist inspection announced A widely used capstan provided by numerous distributors might require an inspection after Primus Electronics alerted Reliable Equipment & Service that their capstan has the potential for the line to walk off of the drum in some applications. Please see: Reliable |
Puerto Rico-based tech succumbs from 200-foot fall in Maryland A 41-year-old tower tech from Puerto Rico died while performing services on a cell tower in Vienna, Maryland when he fell approximately 200 feet off of the 355-foot guyed tower owned by Crown Castle. Please see: Fatality |
Here's what one worker thinks about his employer's safety manual Safety directors spend untold hours and many thousands of dollars to ensure that their employees are provided a safe work environment. And then some workers treat their efforts like...well, S%#! Please see: Tower Climbers Hall of Shame |
Analyst accuses American Tower of possible fraud in tower deal Shares of American Tower dropped sharply after Muddy Waters Research stated that the company’s stock, currently $73.06, was worth less than $45. Wall Street looks like it's head over heels, however, over SBA in Brazil, but not ATC. Please see: Fraud |
Leap buy will have minimal impact upon the nation’s top towercos Following AT&T’s announcement that it had entered into an agreement to acquire Leap Wireless, the three publically traded tower companies released information pertaining to the impact the proposed acquisition will have upon its revenues. Please see: Leap |
Male dominated tower erection industry to be led by its first woman Neither glass nor cloud ceilings prevented Pat Cipov from excelling in the tower erection industry, and today she’s at another highpoint of achievement as the National Association of Tower Erectors' first chairwoman. Please see: Cipov |
Sabre acquires MUTI, positioning itself as a turnkey solution Sabre Industries, Inc. has completed the acquisition of Midwest Underground Technology, Inc. (MUTI), a leading provider of infrastructure services to the telecommunications industry. Please see: Sabre |
Two techs die in North Dakota cell tower accident The Bismarck, N.D. area OSHA office is investigating the deaths of two tower technicians who fell from a cell tower in Mountrail County, ND. They were employed by Monarch Towers, Inc. of Sarasota, Fla. Please see: Fatalities |
Cell phone inventor Marty Cooper to address the tower workers who installed the backbone for the "Brick" Martin "Marty" Cooper and Motorola were responsible for going toe to toe with AT&T to keep them from having a monopoly on cellular service. They won. And now Marty is championing another fight to educate America that there isn't a spectrum shortage, but there is a short-sighted mindset at the FCC and in Congress. You'll also learn about things that you might not have known about Marty regarding Star Trek, brass knuckles and blowing up bridges. Please see: Cooper |
Monopole fire loss could reach $1 million or more A 110-foot-tall communications tower that caught fire in Bucks County, Pa. was structurally damaged and will be required to be dismantled and removed, officials say. The cost that AT&T might be seeking could be over $1 million. Please see: Monopole |
Unsafe practices pride indicates companies have a long way to go
Two testosterone-pumped tower techs proudly flexed their muscles on a T-arm in a Facebook photo in an embarrassing disregard for safe working practices. In the rush to build out LTE, stupidity is not a handicap. It’s just deadly. Please see: Red-Facedbook |
Wireless Infrastructure Workforce Survey Unveiled A comprehensive, user-friendly, online survey has been launched by the National Association of Tower Erectors and WirelessEstimator.com. It will provide valuable insight regarding the current employment marketplace and industry trends. Please see: Survey |
Gin pole catastrophe kills two tower techs in Mississippi Two tower technicians were killed when a gin pole they had on a guyed tower in Georgetown, Miss. had a failure in its rigging, causing the men to fall to their death at the base of the tower where they were pronounced dead by authorities. Please see: Pole |
Monopole fire takes Crown Castle pole out of service A Middletown Township, N.J. monopole was destroyed after transmission lines ignited on the tower causing structural and equipment damage. The structure is owned by Crown Castle International. Please see: New Jersey Monopole |
Impact with guy wire might have saved tech’s life According to a witness contacted by Wireless Estimator, Michael Erives, who fell approximately 240 feet from a guyed tower, had his fall slightly lessened after he struck a lower guy wire. He was employed by Metro Site LLC. Please see: Texas Miracle |
Canada’s low fatality rate hit with its second death in three years A 25-year-old Canadian tower tech died after falling 193 feet off of a Rogers Communications cell tower. One of his Facebook photos provided an unnerving look at stretching the boundaries of a safe rest position. Please see: Canada |
Ergen: English speaking tower climbers should get Sprint’s work Cloaking himself in the American flag, Dish Network Chairman Charlie Ergen provided a new description for the well-known acronym LTE: Long Term English. He made a reference to keeping tower climbing jobs open to Americans. Please see: Ergen |
MasTec’s Data Cell acquisition swells their LTE install capabilities Today’s LTE crew demands exceed the nation’s service companies' ability to obtain employees to complete carrier project needs. One capital intensive way is to buy companies with a complement of employees. Please see: MasTec |
Rescuers pull two concrete workers from collapsed excavation Two foundation crew workers employed by Raytex Construction were rescued after a cell tower foundation excavation they were working in collapsed in Hope Hull, Ala. One man was trapped in 4 feet of soils. Please see: Rescue |
Industry taken by surprise with SPX's decision to close Dielectric Dielectric salespeople were courting clients in their booth at the NAB convention, a presence they’ve maintained for many dozens of years since their founding in 1942. Five days later they said they were closing their doors. Please see: Dielectric |
You’ll have two seconds to regret the error of not tying off 100% Since the pragmatic safety requirement to tie-off 100% of the time doesn’t resonate with some tower technicians, they might be helped by understanding the severity of The Mississippi Rule. Please see: Mississippi Rule |
American Tower shutters its doors following marathon bombing American Tower, whose corporate office is just one block south of where the second Boston Marathon bomb exploded, has reported that its employees and their families are safe, but they would be shutting down their office. Please see: Boston |
New tool assesses a climber’s company fit before elevated work Taking a page out of American Express’s marketing playbook, NATE is once again identifying that membership has its privileges. The newest benefit by the trade group is a Tower Climber Orientation program. Please see: NATE |
Overloaded Minnesota tower falls to Mother Nature
Minnesota has one of the country's highest ice loading design requirements for towers – one inch. But Mother Nature wrapped structural members of a tower in Worthington with twice that amount and it failed. Please see: Collapse |
Carriers offering a battery of money to win dedicated crew wars
AT&T is throwing money at the industry to obtain additional crews to meet their LTE rollout projections. One Northeast contractor says that if your dedicated crew can build five sites in 30 days you’ll be provided a bonus of $38,000. Please see: Nice spiff |
Tech survives 100 foot fall off Alabama monopole UPDATE: The technician working on a monopole in Birmingham, Ala., fell approximately 100 feet, but he is expected to survive. He reportedly was not tied off, but a rope caught him just 10 feet from the ground. The 25-year-old worker was employed by Excell Communications. Please see: Alabama |
LTE workforce shortage evokes laughs in Hitler "Downfall" parody The acclaimed movie "Downfall", a film about Adolph Hitler's last days and inner circle, has been used hundreds of times for parodies on YouTube; the newest entry details the LTE workforce shortage. Please see: LTE |
AT&T won't confirm, but a 14,500 tower sale might be in the offering AT&T said that an analyst's comment that AT&T was ready to sell its cell towers was just conjecture and he would not address speculation, but the expectation was fueled by the AT&T media advisor's comments. Please see: AT&T Tower Sale |
Bizarre OSHA fine in tech's death could set a ridiculous precedent OSHA has fined AT&T $7,000 for a serious violation in the death of a cell site technician because their worker could not "make positive contact with anyone to communicate his need for emergency assistance." It's absurd! Please see our commentary: OSHA |
Structure design appears to have contributed to monopole failure A Crown Castle monopole that was either incorrectly installed, under-designed or over-capacity partially collapsed in St. Louis, Mo. in wind gusts that were well below required design standards for the structure. Please see: Collapse |
Old school safety practices catch up to tech who died from injuries
An owner of a Mass. tower company, according to business associates, did whatever it took to get the job done, oftentimes not observing safe work practices. Sadly, he died from his injuries after falling along with the structure he was on. Please see: Old School |
Andrew Systems trims its field employee count
Andrew Systems, Inc. has made a number of employee reductions in an effort to bolster their PartnerPRO Network mission. However, employees affected by ASI's layoff should not find it too difficult to find gainful employment. Please see: Andrew |
NATE show attendance spat may have triggered a double homicide The National Association of Tower Erectors convention has become the premier confab for the tower construction and maintenance industry. But when an Alaskan tower tech was told he would not be attending it he became enraged and it might have helped to set in motion a double homicide. Please see: Techs Murdered |
Insurer sues contractor for an additional $3 million premium A water tank and wireless construction contractor is being sued by an AIG subsidiary for $3 million after an audit identified that they vastly understated their projected payrolls and/or applied employees' times to lower NCCI workers' compensation class codes. Please see: AIG |
Company crane outrigger failure injures two techs Two tower techs suffered injuries when their company-owned crane collapsed on a church in Fairfax County, Va., but fast action by their operator possibly helped to save their lives. Please see: Crane |
Dateline's Tower Dogs' top hand Ernest Hart passes at age 44
Ernest Hart, who enjoyed a brief celebrity status in 2008 as a feisty top tower hand in NBC Dateline's Tower Dogs, died at age 44. The feisty technician had not been ill and his passing was not job related. Please see: Hart |
Sprint splits the tower contracting community for quicker launches Sprint's Network Vision plan to go live with 4G LTE in the U.S. hasn't changed, but since they're still in third place of the big four rollout race it appears they're running in a new direction to get there -- by having contractors work directly for them instead of their management firms. Please see: Vision |
Verizon retrofitting turns into a removal project A fire on a Verizon cell tower forced authorities to shut down the U.S. 95 exit and on-ramps to Jones Boulevard in Las Vegas. An unidentified tower crew was welding and retrofitting the structure when the transmission lines ignited. Please see: Las Vegas |
Risk factors soar as LTE installs overload carriers' antenna mounts The issue isn't whether new LTE loading on existing antenna mounts will jeopardize the safety of telecom workers, the question is how soon will it be before there is a catastrophic failure? We need your help. Please see: Tower Mounts |
ATC snubs publicizing some mergers and acquisitions Axtel believes that selling 883 telecommunication sites to American Tower for $250 million is a key element of their recapitalization strategy. ATC hasn't said a word about the deal. Axtel shouldn't feel slighted since oftentimes ATC's major acquisitions are purposely minimized in quarterly or annual reports. Please see: Axtel |
Tower tech rescue captured live in Maryland A news station helicopter yesterday recorded the rescue of a tower technician who became hypothermic and could not climb down to the base of the monopole he was on in Gaithersburg, Md. The hero of the day is Rob Bonsall. Please see: Rescue Video |
Supremes tilt towards the FCC's shot clock during oral arguments Researchers have found that during oral arguments U.S. Supreme Court Justices will eagerly interrupt and question counsel for the side with which they disagree. If that is accurate the wireless siting community might already be choreographing a celebratory dance. Please see: Shot Clock |
Two traveling techs rescue a climber stuck in her harness High angle rescue was just three miles away, but Chase County, Kansas emergency personnel didn't know that as they were trying to figure out how to rescue a climber who couldn't make it down from a tower. Please see: Rescue |
Wireless Estimator's publisher featured in rebranded Tower Times The National Association of Tower Erectors launched its revamped Tower Times magazine. It's clearly the industry's best print journal. Okay, we might be subjective since an insightful Q&A with our publisher was the featured article. He provided what he believes is in store for the industry during 2013. Please see: Tower Times |
Concealment companies and preservationists can strike a balance The highly subjective nature of individual reactions to concealment plans can make the approval process challenging. STEALTH Concealment Solutions, a South Carolina-based company, is providing some excellent win-win tips. Please see: Concealment |
Dish Network chief uses Ergenomics to up the Clearwire ante Satellite-TV magnate Charlie Ergen met Sprint's ante for Clearwire and raised the bid by $3 billion. But Sprint may already have the winning hand since it would have to sign off on Ergen's raise and said that it does not intend to do so. Please see: Loves Gambling |
First death of the year reported in Mount Vernon, Washington Just four days into the new year a tower technician fell to his death in Wash. The fatality underscored the need for industry vigilance for safe climbing and construction practices after 2012 was ushered out with a single fatality, the lowest in 10 years, possibly presenting a false sense of elevated safety compliance. Please see: Death |
End of year buying binge was focused upon international towers SBA Communications was in the holiday buying mood and bought its shareholders 800 towers in Brazil; American Tower plunked down $500 million in Germany for 2,000 towers and Insite Wireless got into the spirit by buying 45 Canadian towers. Please see: SBA |
One death was too many in 2012 There was excellent statistical news delivered in 2012 with only one tower technician death being reported, but it was devastating news for the family and co-workers of the deceased. The total fatalities might have been manipulated by luck. Please see: Deaths |
Wireless Captial Partners inks two lease deals totaling $1.4 million Wireless Capital Partners is continuing its buying spree, most recently inking two cell tower lease deals in New Jersey for a total of $1.4 million. The Bogota site has $50,000 in annual revenues, the Jamesburg location reaps in $40,000. Please see: WCP |
Washington fall is a reminder to check your harness's leg straps A tower tech was performing service work on a monopole when he fell off a sector frame, but was saved by his harness even though it appeared to have malfunctioned or was not properly worn and the leg straps failed. Please see: Harness |
Rohn Products taps Mark Allen for Vice President position Rohn Products has appointed Mark Allen to the position of Vice President. He will be responsible for global sales, marketing and distribution activity for their in-house sales team as well as a worldwide representative network. Please see: Mark Allen |
Lodging conditions improve for four stranded Oregon tower techs Search and rescue teams will again try to rescue a tower crew that has been stranded in a mountain blizzard on Steens Mountain in Oregon since Saturday where white-out conditions were accompanied by 80-mile-per-hour winds. Please see: Rescue |
Sprint seeks to buy Clearwire at disputed fire sale pricing Sprint confirmed that it is in talks with Clearwire Corp. to buy out the remaining stake in the wholesale provider that it doesn't already own. But some stockholders say the company is worth more - possibly double the price. Please see: Fire Sale |
T-Mobile comes out swinging in its battle against AT&T The 1989 film, The War of the Roses, was a comedy about a wealthy couple with a seemingly great relationship who decided it was time to end it, but it got nasty. A similar script is being followed by T-Mobile as it attacks AT&T. Please see: War |
Anritsu's Compact PIM Master available exclusively through Talley Talley Inc. has announced that it has entered into an exclusive agreement to distribute Anritsu’s Compact PIM Master. One quarter the size and half the weight of alternative PIM solutions, and with 40W testing, it's ideal for difficult sites. Please see: PIM Master |
Contractor becomes the poster child for poor tie-off practices If you are hooked off you can't fall off is an industry catchphrase that focuses upon workers' needs to stay 100% tied off. However, although one Florida contractor ties off, you certainly don't want to follow in their incorrect footsteps. Please see Tie off |
Site Pro 1 introduces its new lines in their 2013 safety catalog
Valmont Site Pro 1 Inc. has introduced their 2013 Safety Catalog. They've added some well-known brands such as Fieldsense RF Monitors and PMI rescue equipment. They also feature products from DBI Sala, Elk River and many others. Please see: Site Pro 1 |
Here's a lease buyout that would make any agent blush with envy If a Lee County, Fla. property owner was adept at reading micro expressions, he might have questioned a momentary Mona Lisa smile from Crown Castle's representative as a deal was inked for $1 million for property valued at $620,000. Please see: Mona Lisa |
ATC takes over Chicago's fourth highest rooftop for $70 million If you want to purchase 34,000 square feet of telecom room space in the John Hancock Center the price tag is $2,059 per square foot. However, a few great perks come with the high acceptance price. Please see: Big John |
Feds indict two on tougher charges, but sentences are lenient A federal grand jury returned an indictment last week, charging two people with the malicious destruction of federally-licensed communications lines in Ohio. Past jail terms meted out have been lenient. Please see: Copper |
FiberTower to go dark in many areas this December FiberTower Corp. said it wants to shut down its service on next month in AR, FL, DC, GA, OH, TX, MD, MA, MI and VA, according to an FCC filing. The once shining backhaul star is now a dull piece of history. Please see: FiberTower |
American Tower benefits internationally from rubbing elbows
with the world's richest men's businesses Two men, through their various corporations, could be the most influential in American Tower Corporation's international growth: Carlos Slim Helú, the richest man in the world, and Ricardo Salinas Pliego, the planet's 37th wealthiest man. Influence is a derivative of wealth, so is scandal - whether it's real or imagined. Please see: Telco Tycoons |
Veteran tower tech crushed by collapsed section An experienced tower technician was severely crushed in Little Water, N.M. after a tower section he was on collapsed. He was transported by Air Care to San Juan Regional Medical Center where he remains in critical condition. Please see: Collapse |
Design reduction eyed as the cause of a 590-foot tower collapse The builder of a 590-foot self supporting television tower that collapsed during a typhoon in North Vietnam may have reduced the structure's required wind load design by as much as one third for the LeBLANC tower. Please see: Collapse |
AT&T's Project Velocity expected to increase business vitality AT&T Mobility unveiled a multibillion-dollar initiative to expand its LTE network to 300 million covered POPs and deploy more than 10,000 macro cells, 40,000 small cells and 1,000 distributed antenna systems. Please see: AT&T |
Georgia technician survives 150-foot fall in Texas A Georgia man, who reportedly suffered back, rib and leg injuries, is out of ICU and expected to make a full recovery after falling from a 150-foot tower in Tex. The company identified as the man's employer did not respond to a request for information. If you have further knowledge about the accident, please contact Wireless Estimator |
NATE incumbents to be reseated along with a new NC member While the nation anxiously awaits today's election predictions, the National Association of Tower Erectors announced the final voting results for its 2013 board of directors, and the possibility of a more contemporary voting procedure. Please see: NATE |
Lawsuit attacks lighting and marking requirements under 200' It's a weak complaint, but a lawsuit filed in California says that a tower developer, installer and landlord are responsible for a pilot's death because they legally opted to keep the tower's height under 200 feet and not lamp it. Please see: Close to Frivolous |
Verizon's hardened network stays on top as outages drop to 19% What could be expected to be Verizon's next ad campaign: 94% of their sites were operating on Tuesday versus an industry average of 75%. They are now reporting that their percentage has risen to 96% following Sandy's devastation. Please see: Verizon |
Sandy kayos 25% of cell sites in its path; LTE, DAS to be assessed Carriers told federal regulators that Hurricane Sandy knocked out an average of 25 percent of service from cell sites through a loss of power or equipment damage. But the carriers seem to be using fuzzy math for their PR outage numbers. Please see: Math |
Nation steers clear of Sandy as wireless techs prepare to move in Hurricane Sandy churned through the Atlantic towards what forecasters are saying will be a devastating landfall which is expected to paralyze life for millions of people, and possibly cripple wireless service in thousands of locations. Please see: Sandy |
Illegal sale of Andrew equipment to Iran exposé falls flat on facts The opening text to Reuters' article that Andrew LLC sold embargoed equipment which was to be used in an Iran telecommunications project reads like an espionage novel, but it falls flat on facts and appears to be much to do about nothing. Please see: Iran |
Site acquisition folks must envy the nirvana-like rules of Canada Picture if you will being able to quickly get approval to install a 49-foot monopole on a scenic island and sidestep an environmental assessment for a 500-foot self supporting tower just outside of a wildlife preserve. It's not fiction. It's Canada. Please see: Canada |
Sprint CEO throws Huawei under the bus to appease regulators Sprint Nextel CEO Dan Hesse said that his company would not use network equipment made by Huawei to comply with U.S. government concerns about the security threat that may be posed by the Chinese company. It came on the heels of the SoftBank deal acquiring Sprint. SoftBank uses Huawei. Please see: Hesse and Son |
Sprint buy should strengthen towercos and contractors An industry axiom is if AT&T doesn't like something, it's probably good for the wireless infrastructure industry. And the nation's largest carrier doesn't like Tokyo-based SoftBank's announced Sprint acquisition plan. Please see: SoftBank |
American Tower shows the nation the REIT way to be successful American Tower's stock has increased approximately 19 percent since it merged with its subsidiary, ATC REIT Inc. on January 1. The explosive rise is being seen as validation that the company's emergence as a real estate investment trust is beneficial to investors. Please see: REIT |
Crew performs a successful tower rescue in Ohio A tower construction crew was called upon to rescue one of their members in Dayton, Ohio. Authorities said that a tower tech was working at approximately the 700-foot level when he had a seizure. Please see: Ohio Rescue
Techs are seriously injured after riding a tower to the ground Two tower technicians are still in grave condition a week after a tower they were working on collapsed in Camuy, located near Puerto Rico's north coast. The accident appears to be a poster child for non-compliance. Please see: Tower Collapse |
Pilot dies after clipping a guyed tower with a tower tech on it A tower tech foreman employed by Verticon of Louisiana was uninjured when he was working on a 900-foot guyed tower in Crowley, La. yesterday when a helicopter clipped a guy wire and crashed, killing the Texas pilot. Please see: Crowley Crash |
T-Mobile becomes the hottest topic at PCIA's Orlando show The hottest topic at the PCIA - The Wireless Infrastructure Association show in Orlando this week was T-Mobile: T-Mobile USA selling its towers to Crown Castle International and T-Mobile merging with MetroPCS. Please see: T-Mobile |
High court to review whether the shot clock should be thrown out In a surprise announcement, even though the U.S. Solicitor General recommended against it, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review whether the FCC's shot clock - the reasonable period of time communities must act upon an application for a wireless antenna co-location or a new site build - is legal. Please see: Shot Clock Shocker |
AT&T, Verizon and Sprint absent in $300 million competition The FCC announced the winners of the initial phase of its Mobility Fund auction which had 54 qualified bidders, as part of a program to expand mobile broadband coverage to rural and unserved areas of the country. Bidding started on Sept. 27. Please see FCC |
Crown's T-Mobile tower buy could be an industry game changer Crown Castle picked up the ability to lease and operate 7,180 T-Mobile towers for $2.4 billion with an option to buy the towers for another $2.4 billion. The Friday announcement appeared to be timed for Monday's opening of the PCIA - The Wireless Infrastructure Association show in Orlando where it's expected to get a lot of buzz. For a detailed review of the sale, please see: Game Changer |
FCC lighting fine doubled for Cox; tower painters benefit As a deterrent, the FCC doubled a medium intensity lighting violation fine issued to Cox Communications for what the company called an "anomaly". They also dug into the wallets of two other tower owners for poor paint jobs. Please see: FCC Fines |
OSHA officials witness firsthand the challenges facing climbers NATE's Legislative & Regulatory “travel squad” met with top OSHA execs and took many of them on a tower site tour where they were able to grasp the challenges facing climbers. It could help to modify the riding the line directive. Please see: Tower Tour |
Timko joins Talley as Eastern Sales Manager of Infrastructure Talley Inc. has announced that Elena Timko has joined the company as Sales Manager of Infrastructure for the Eastern region. A wireless industry veteran for over 15 years, Timko will be based in Sugarloaf, Pa. Please see: Timko
Tower developer's property transfers voided by bankruptcy judge AT&T turfing contractor Clovis Prince's fraudulent house of cards completely collapsed when a U.S. bankruptcy judge ruled that eight properties he had put into a trust in which he was a beneficiary would be returned to his failed businesses' bankruptcy trustee. Please see: Prince |
Ex-con charged with AT&T technician's death Gladstone Missouri police have arrested and charged a Kansas City ex-convict with first-degree murder in the death of an AT&T cell site systems technician as well as attempted robbery and armed criminal action. Please see: Cell Tech Death |
ATC's lease extensions delay could be related to T-Mobile towers SBA and Crown Castle have renegotiated and extended their lease agreements with T-Mobile. American Tower Corporation hasn't signed one yet and it may be due to a bid that they're expected to place for T-Mobile's towers. Please see: T-Mobile Leases |
Remote radio unit returns to its delivery vehicle Pictures of a remote radio unit that fell while in the process of being installed on a tower have been floating around in emails for some time, but the company that suffered the loss is still unknown and it's doubtful this was ever considered in Sprint's network vision. Please see: RRU Accident |
Former FCC Commissioner seen as the ideal pick to lead PCIA
Jonathan Adelstein began his first day in his first job in the private sector after 25 years as he takes over the reins of PCIA as its President & CEO. PCIA Chairman Marc Ganzi, NATE Executive Director Todd Schlekeway and CEA President Gary Shapiro gave him an enthusiastic three thumbs up. Please see: Adelstein |
Terrorists' cell tower attacks in Nigeria kill 15 Attacks targeting cell towers in Nigeria in recent days have left 15 people dead and buildings burnt, including two schools, according to officials. In one day alone more than 30 towers were destroyed. Please see: Nigeria |
American Tower aids the DNC in providing better communications President Obama acknowledged that times have changed since he first spoke to the Democratic National Convention. American Tower agrees in regards to the better wireless communications services available due to their efforts. Please see: ATC |
Top towerco CFOs to present at Bank of America confab SBA Communications, Crown Castle International and American Tower Corporation will present at the 2012 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference in Los Angeles, Calif. Please see: Confab |
Straight line winds topple Minnesota PBS tower An early morning storm toppled an Austin, Minn. broadcast tower owned by KSMQ-TV, but the station returned to the air at about 8 p.m. the same day using a temporary tower. Please see: Collapse |
Former PM admits to defrauding Velocitel of over $3 million Craig B. Matuszak, Jr. pled guilty earlier this month to stealing more than $3 million from his employer, Velocitel, Inc. He could face 23 years in jail. He co-conspired with a vendor and a cell site installation contractor. Please see: Matuszak |
A double tip of the hardhat to our industry's workers For many, the Labor Day weekend will not be a walk on the beach or brats and beer at a barbecue as technicians assist in maintaining and refueling cell sites as tropical storm Isaac continues to slash its way into the Gulf Coast. Please see: Labor Day |
Safety climb systems gain attention following falls Update:The failure of two wire rope grabs on a safety climb system is being investigated by OSHA in Tex. after two technicians were seriously injured when they fell. It has also brought comments to social media that appear to be incorrect. The tower's owner, SBA Communications, says their safety climb did not fail. Please see: Cable Grab |
Two techs fall from a 250-foot tower in Archer County, Texas The condition of two tower technicians is unknown after they fell from a cell tower outside of Archer City, Tex. They were at the 30 and 40-foot levels when, according to authorites, something involving their safety system failed. Please see: Technicians |
FCC Chairman to deliver keynote at PCIA's October show PCIA – The Wireless Infrastructure Association announced that FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will deliver a keynote address at its 2012 Wireless Infrastructure Show on October 3 at the Peabody Orlando in Florida. Please see: PCIA |
AT&T's towers partially blamed for loss of PD communications Update: AT&T says that their towers are not at fault. Local officials, in collaboration with investigators from the FCC, had said that AT&T was causing the Oakland, California Police Department's ongoing public safety radio woes. Please see: 2G Interference |
SBA takes a proactive role in ensuring climber safety The Waukesha, Wisc. Fire Department was provided high angle rescue training from SBA Communications' Jeremy Buckles and Matt Surface. The tower owner's active role in safety earned a double tip of the firefighter's helmet. Please see: SBA |
WesTower sues Nsoro for $6.7 million over P.O. disputes Two of AT&T Mobility's contracting heavyweights, WesTower Communications, Inc. and Nsoro Mastec, LLC weren't able to settle their purchase order disputes involving LTE projects and will rely upon a District Court judge's decision. Please see: LTE Extras |
Near tragedy provides for a seasonal lightning warning It's natural for tower technicians to scan the horizon for lightning strikes and acutely listen for thunder. However, neither warning sign was available to two techs working from a man-basket next to an AT&T monopole when they were hit. Please see: Strike |
Nsoro said to be investigating accident that has tech in a coma A tower tech has been in an induced coma in Ala. since July 25 after he fell approximately 40 feet off of a monopole in Tuscaloosa Ala. Nsoro is the turfing contractor for the AT&T LTE audit he was doing when he fell. Please see: Coma |
Anritsu introduces its newest Site Master handheld analyzer Anritsu has introduced the Site Master S331L Cable and Antenna Analyzer, a new generation of rugged handheld field instrumentation that builds off the field-proven design and success of the Site Master to provide high-performance cable and antenna analysis quickly and accurately. There also a free troubleshooting guide. Please see: Anritsu |
Largent to give keynote address at NATE's annual convention The National Association of Tower Erectors announced that Steve Largent, President & CEO of CTIA will be the keynote speaker at the 18th Annual NATE Conference, which will be held in Fort Worth, Tex. Feb. 18-21, 2013. Please see: Largent |
Crown Castle is in the lead to acquire T-Mobile's towers Crown Castle International has emerged as the lead bidder for T-Mobile's 7,000-plus towers. A deal for more than $2 billion could be struck soon, but American Tower and Global Tower Partners should not be ruled out as contenders. Please see: Crown |
Town's arousal regarding giant phallus gets T-Mobile to re-skirt A number of residents from a California town said a 60-foot cell tower looked like a giant phallus or vibrator. The carrier didn't admit that it did, but has a tower crew on site putting a new skirt on it so that it's less provocative. Please see: Phallic T-Mobile Pole |
Faulty swivel snaphook notification is issued Guardian Fall Protection has placed a notification to customers who purchased products with a specific swivel snaphook to take them out of service. The nut that holds the swivel eye to the hook body could back off the hook stem. Please see: GFP Recall |
Gin pole summit to be held in Dallas/Fort Worth
The National Association of Tower Erectors will be co-hosting a Gin Pole Summit in conjunction with Safety LMSystems LLC, Consolidated Engineer, Inc. and Doty Moore Tower Services, LLC in Dallas/Fort Worth. Please see: Gin Pole Summit |
Worker's fall was not from a communications tower Update: OSHA is investigating the death of a 52-year-old man who died after falling approximately 50 feet from a transmission line tower near Mullin. The Mills County Sheriff's office initially said that he was on a communications tower. Please see: Fall |
Workforce shortfall could result in increased pricing and injuries Project pricing, employee compensation and safety will be affected. There's no need to speculate whether the current shift from 3G to Long Term Evolution-based networks will strain the available installation workforce; it already has, and some industry executives believe that in the next six months it could rival the manpower shortages seen in the late 1990s after the FCC auctioned off the first PCS licenses. Please see:LTE |
Recall notice issued on 3M self-retracting lanyards A number of THOR self-retracting lanyard units are being recalled by 3M as a result of concerns with the brake pad material that was used. They request that you send the units to the distributor where you purchased them. Please see: Lanyard Recall |
Flyover will assess whether wildlife rules were violated on tower UPDATE: Florida authorities investigated the installation of a faux bird on a cell tower owned by Crown Castle as to whether it was legal because osprey chicks were reportedly in a nest. They say Crown met all regulations. Please see: Ospreys |
SWA events and updated officer contact information available Did you know that Wireless Estimator has the only accurate State Wireless Association and trade association calendar available? You'll find it here. Also, you can easily find SWA contact information for all State Wireless officers in one location.
AT&T and Verizon to step up their commitment to small cells In its latest issue of outdoor small cells market data, ABI Research forecasts that the equipment market for outdoor small cells sold will surpass 1 million this year. AT&T and Verizon will be installing them towards the end of this year. Please see: Outdoor Cells |
It's not my tower defense doesn't fly with the FCC Ely Radio, licensee of KWNA of Nev. has lost their appeal to the FCC and was fined $11,000 for lighting and registration violations, but in the process found that they are the owner of the tower from which they broadcast. Please see: FCC Fines |
Four tower techs indicted for setting up a Maryland motel meth lab Two Oklahoma and two Michigan men were indicted for setting up a meth lab in a Holiday Inn Express. They were also charged with reckless endangerment and drug/gun trafficking. Charges against a fifth tech were dropped. Please see: Meth Lab
Super derecho KOs power in 10 states, plays havoc with cell sites “Derecho,” a Spanish term for what is in essence a storm line that moves across the landscape causing serious devastation normally associated with a hurricane, lived up to its name and then some. Please see: Derecho