Your valued comments are always welcomed!

NIOSH's Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) reports provide an excellent resource for making injury prevention information available to the tower FACE construction industry based upon their investigations of fatalities.

Although many of their recommendations to control or eliminate identified risks are on target, as an industry professional, by sharing your comments and observations, you can add to this rich resource of information.

Oftentimes FACE information may suggest the need for new research or prevention efforts or for new or revised regulations to protect communications workers. Your input will ensure that our industry's professional points of view are considered by OSHA and NIOSH.

Mail your valued comments to . Please identify the  FACE report to which you are responding. If you have any photographs for illustrative purposes, please send them as an attachment. Your response can also be provided in a Word document. It is not necessary to provide your company's name.

Comments must discuss and add value to a specific FACE report or relate to an existing guest's analysis. They may be edited for content.

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