General construction contractors in Colorado are not licensed by the state. Instead, general contractors receive licensure on the city or county level. Some specialty workers, like electricians and plumbers, do need a state-level license.

Electrical contractors may be eligible for reciprocity if they hold a journeyman or master electrician’s license from a state that’s in good standing with National Electrical Reciprocal Alliance (NERA).

To find out if a business is licensed in Colorado:   

Colorado Seal

Ideas and suggestions are always welcome. If you know of another important link, please let us know and we will be pleased to add it.  Or if you find an incorrect link, kindly email us.  If you would like to provide comments as to unique irregularities of contracting requirements in this state, it’s important to share them as well.  Reply to:
Colorado’s state licensing authority is meticulous about the quality of cannabis-based businesses and an applicant must reflect that their business has been well thought out, planned, and that it has the resources and know-how necessary to run it safely, legally and effectively, otherwise the applicant will get a flat rejection. Too bad that doesn’t apply to two men and a (non-hemp) rope.
Site Pro 1 Inc.