Product InformationHigh Intensity

High Intensity Lighting

FAA Type L-856

A high intensity white lighting system utilizes a flashhead for daytime (270,000 candelas), twilight (20,000 candelas), and nighttime (2,000 candelas) operation. Multiple levels of three flashheads are  required for complete coverage of most towers.   A singleHigh Intensity Lighting 2 controller can operate numerous flashheads. High intensity lighting systems are required when the structure is between 500' and 2200'.

The FAA will often permit dual lighting systems where high-intensity strobes are used during the day and twilight hours and strobe, incandescent, or LED red lights are used at night. This type of lighting system avoids the necessity to paint the tower and increases community relations.

A station can bank upon complaints from neighbors when there is a system error and the controller sets the lighting to full intensity at night. Although all high intensity lighting systems must meet FAA certification guidelines, not all systems offer the same product benefits.

For additional information regarding FAA marking and lighting standards for high intensity lighting requirements, review FAA AC-70/7460-1Kat:  Obstruction Marking and Lighting (2.96 MB). For Federal obstruction lighting and marking questions most commonly asked,  click here.

High intensity, higher pricing

CalculatorIt’s sticker shock at first glance for uninitiated tower or station owners when they explore the cost of high intensity lighting, especially in the C-5 and C-6 categories. Since the high intensity beacons only acheive 120 degree coverage per flashhead, a minimum of three flashheads per level are required to gain 360 degree coverage. The average list price for a high intensity lighting system is:

 High Intensity Equipment Pricing  

 Type:  Height:  List Price: 
 C-2  501' - 700'  $46,935
 C-3  701' - 1050'  $65,205
 C-4  1051' - 1400'  $83,160
 C-5  1401' - 1750'  $101,000
 C-6  1750' - 2200'  $118,440

 Pricing does not include freight, taxes or installation

We recommend that you contact our valued high intensity lighting manufacturers and distributors for your site-specific requirements.

Site Pro 1 Inc.