NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association today unveiled a video shining a spotlight on the new Wireless Infrastructure Technician Program at Southeast Technical College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The video’s release is timely as community college and technical institute students across the United States head back to school for the fall 2020 semester.

Establishing a nationwide network of community College/Technical Institute programs is a hallmark of NATE’s Strategic Workforce Development Initiative
The video features testimonial interviews with Southeast Technical College’s Vice President of Academic Affairs Benjamin Valdez, VIKOR CEO Craig Snyder, MIDCO Director of Government Relations Andrew Curley and VIKOR Director of Safety & Training Todd Thorin articulating how the new Wireless Infrastructure Technician Program will serve as a workforce pipeline to companies in the region.
Southeast Technical College’s Wireless Infrastructure Technician program is structured to prepare students for careers as Tower Technicians in order to play a vital role in forwarding wireless telecommunications technology and developing 5G infrastructure. Students have an opportunity to enroll in an eight-week, 11 credit track of courses that culminates in receiving a NWSA Telecommunications Tower Technician 1 (TTT1) certification credential and a 16 week, 9 credit track of courses that culminates in receiving a NWSA Telecommunications Tower Technician 2 (TTT2) certification credential.
“This video encapsulates what NATE is working to achieve in terms of facilitating support for mutually beneficial collaboration between the wireless infrastructure industry, educational entities and community-based organizations to support the development of workforce programs regionally and locally,” said Dr. Gemma Frock, the Association’s Workforce Development Consultant and architect of the successful industry program at Aiken Technical College in South Carolina.
For additional program and enrollment information on the Wireless Infrastructure Technician Program at Southeast Technical College, click HERE. For more information on NATE, visit