Product InformationSelfSupportMounts

Self Support Platforms/Mounts

Antenna mounting platforms for self supporting towers are typically engineered and furnished for a new structure to accommodate the known antenna requirements. If an existing structure will allow the additional capacity required, most manufacturers can provide a custom application for the new colocation loading. If the tower’s face is less than 5’, stock low-profile platforms are available for straight or tapered sections.

T-frame mounts with tiebacks are ideal for sectorized applications and provide an economy of product pricing and installation. Frame lengths range from 10’ to 16’ and are designed to fit a wide variety of towers, with pipe legs from 2” through 10” OD and angle legs from 2-1/2”x2-1/2” to 6”x6”.

Side arms are readily available from 3’ to 6’. Some larger arms will require a tieback. All manufacturers provide numerous pipe mount kits for use with a self supporting or guyed tower. Attachment hardware varies for pipe leg sizes from 1-1/2” to 10-3/4” OD and angle legs 2-1/2” to 8”.

If you’re not sure as to the design that will best suit your mounting requirements, contact the manufacturer’s or distributor’s  representative. A short conversation can go a long way in ease of installation and selecting the right product for pricing and structure Self support Mounts compatibility.

Calculator The following budgetary averages are provided for some common mounts for self supporting towers. Unless you are purchasing a colocation kit, antenna mounting pipes and their attachment hardware are typically not provided with frames and mounts. However, a minimum of three antenna mounts are usually required for most frames to achieve structural stability. All mounting frames vary in their mounting design and colocation benefits and value added pricing is to be expected. Freight and taxes are not included.
For new mounting products, please see New Product News .

Self Suporting Tower Frames/Mounts

Description Lbs. Price
12'-6" Standoff Frame for 4 panel antennas w/tieback 388 $755
16' Standoff Frame for 4 panel antennas w/tieback 416 $833
15' Low Profile Platform for up to 5' face 1,795 $4,016
15' Low Profile Platform for up to 5' face w/handrail 2,375 $4,972
3' Pipe Frame Standoff Bracket, one piece welded/w hardware 109 $229
Leg Mounted Pipe Mount Kit with 3-1/2"x7' mounting pipe 135 $163

We recommend that you contact our valued self supporting platform and mount manufacturers and distributors for your site-specific requirements.

Site Pro 1 Inc.