New gallery allows contractors and suppliers to easily select their target audience

In Featured News, New Product News by Wireless Estimator

A new advertising module introduced by Wireless Estimator today makes it easier than ever for suppliers, service companies and contractors to quickly see how they can increase their branding and sales.

Wireless-Estimator_AdvertisingThe innovative and easily viewed gallery highlights all of the marketing offerings that are available on the site.

In addition, the interactive design focuses upon the numerous opportunities that are available for companies to easily reach the thousands of available job applicants that visit Wireless Estimator’s highly successful job boards.

The contemporary interface also provides advertising information regarding Wireless Estimator’s well-received newsletter which reaches over 26,000 opt-in subscribers with every edition.

Training companies can also take advantage of being listed in the nation’s most successful training resource.

Established in 2004, Wireless Estimator will be announcing new additions next month that will be available on the popular web site.