Magnetochemistry, a peer-reviewed international scientific journal, retracted an article they published on May 5, 2019 from a controversial New Zealand researcher who believes that scientists are suppressing evidence that people are being harmed by radiofrequency radiation. Susan Pockett, a psychologist at the University of Auckland in her paper titled “Conflicts of interest and misleading statements in official reports about the …
FCC is clueless on how many people don’t have broadband leads Fast-Forward Friday
FCC LIKELY COUNTS MILLIONS OF UNSERVED HOMES AS HAVING BROADBAND A new broadband mapping system is starting to show just how inaccurate the Federal Communications Commission’s connectivity data is. Research indicates that it’s likely that millions of homes nationwide have been wrongly counted as being served by broadband. Ars TECHNICA has the full details. Article Media Partnerships with cities lead …
Contractor didn’t anticipate dress rehearsal for monopole pour and erection, leads Fast Forward Friday
THE SECOND TIME AROUND WILL BE TO CHARM THE BUILDING INSPECTOR For unknown reasons, a tower erector in Arkansas didn’t call for inspections when they poured the foundation and erected a 150-foot monopole. They didn’t have a third-party inspection and will be accorded a second opportunity to rip out and re-pour the base and re-erect the white stealth flagpole tower …
Easy app is a first line of defense in reducing injuries and saving lives
Over 1,100 tower site hazards were identified and corrected last year. They weren’t found by accident, but were discovered through the active participation of 138 companies taking advantage of the National Association of Tower Erectors STAR Initiative program that uses a free app that easily assists workers in identifying site safety hazards. To highlight this app, NATE has released a video entitled …
Novel ‘shenanigans’ concern cited in FCC’s $25,000 lighting/marking fine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania gospel radio station WGBN-AM’s owner was notified yesterday that they were to be fined $25,000 for presenting a public safety risk to passing aircraft for failing to properly light two antenna structures 206-feet in height and failing to notify the FAA of lights being out on the towers and not painting them to meet visibility requirements. The FCC …
Pedophile may have inadvertently put OSHA tower safety rule on permanent hold
President Donald Trump said Friday that embattled Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta is resigning because Acosta doesn’t want his decade-old plea deal with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein to distract the President from pressing issues. Epstein, 66, was arrested last weekend and charged in the Southern District of New York with sex trafficking of young girls. A judge has postponed his decision …
Wesley Weis passes, leaving a legacy of advancing safety throughout America
Services will be held tomorrow for a Northern New Jersey industry icon, Wesley Weis, CEO of Mikab Corporation who passed away on Saturday at age 78. A resident of Old Tappan, he was a founding member of the National Association of Tower Erectors and helped the trade group from its first meeting in 1995 to move forward with a unified …
The Wall Street party for tower owners may be ending leads Fast-Forward Friday articles
Article Media For tower owners, the Wall Street party may be ending Light Reading FCC set hearing for St. Louis AMs allegedly controlled by convicted felon Inside Radio How Eco-Site plans to benefit from the rush to build 5G infrastructure The News & Observer FCC proposes new rules to govern communications at multiple tenant buildings The National Law Review “This …
Anatomy of a triple fatality citation: Judge rules OSHA didn’t understand industry standards
An OSHA Review Commission Judge has vacated a proposed $12,934 OSHA penalty against tall tower erection firm Tower King ll, Inc. of Cedar Hill, Texas that was issued following a tragic accident on Sept. 27, 2017 when a gin pole broke loose from a 958-foot WSVN TV tower in Miami Gardens, Florida after its bridle slings failed, killing three erectors, one of whom was the …
NATE industry advocates hit the Hill running at full speed
With new members of the 116th Congress having had the opportunity to settle in, NATE members reached out to them as well as seasoned legislators to inform them of their company’s efforts and roadblocks in building out 5G as well as maintaining the nation’s communications networks. The inaugural fly-in was initiated by NATE Executive Director Todd Schlekeway. Prior to being …
5G was rushed to market – It shows, leads Fast-Forward Friday
Article Media 5G was rushed to market – It shows Light Reading Syracuse takes steps to address uncertainty over 5G wireless network FCC: Lack of coordinantion extended hurricane-related wireless outages Multichannel Broadband internet looms large in county commission election Government Technology Montana Governor vetoes bill creating tax abatement for high-speed broadband KPAX CenturyLink focused on fiber strategy, advisors hired …
Sprint may have shot itself in the foot by removing a cell site for PR purposes
Bowing to community pressure, Sprint turned off a cell site at the Weston Elementary School in Ripon Calif. last week after community activists demanded its removal after four students were diagnosed with cancer over the past few years. Although three RF tests were made and the results showed that the site was well below federal compliance standards, as Wireless Estimator …
Bowing to PR pressure, Sprint turns off a cell site that passed RF tests three times
UPDATE – April 5, 2019 – Lawyers at the Cochran Law Firm said yesterday they’re investigating a link between cancer-causing chemicals used at the former Nestle decaffeination plant near the Ripon school site, and the high rate of cancer in the area, according to CBS 13. April 4, 2019 — Although a Sprint cell site at the Weston Elementary School in Ripon, Calif. …
Huawei CFO’s release requires her to show how she swapped out cell site circuit boards
Tina Glandian, the attorney for ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett, shocked the nation this morning when she announced that she has brokered a deal with the U.S. Department of Justice to have all financial fraud charges against Huawei Technologies CFO Meng Wanzhou dropped, her extradition hearing to the U.S. terminated, and all records sealed. Wanzhou was scheduled to have her first …
Widening student cancer concerns appear to be based upon inaccurate cell site RF test results
When a fourth child was diagnosed with cancer at a San Joaquin County, Calif. elementary school earlier this year, parents championed the need to have a Sprint cell tower removed from the Weston Elementary school campus since it could be causing harm to students. The Ripon Unified School District (RUSD) sent out a letter to parents stating that the RF …
Free Press: FCC broadband gains overstated leads Fast Forward Friday news
Article Media Free Press: FCC broadband gains overstated B+C Huawei sues U.S. as ‘last resort’ to fight government ban UPI Was a cell tower illegally built in an Atlanta neighborhood AJC South Korea delays commercial 5G service over phone and carrier issues VB AT&T expects to hit second FirstNet buildout Milestone by year-end Missiona Critical Interoperability debate dominates carrier-selection panel …
Preventing ‘rampant’ safety credentials fraud is a passion of QRedentials’ founder Clifford Wilcox
In a Frontline/ProPublica investigation in 2012 exploring the high fatality rate of tower techs, many hours of footage didn’t make the 30-minute Frontline broadcast. One such interview segment was with Wireless Estimator editor Craig Lekutis who was asked if he would be surprised to find out that a deceased worker had counterfeit training certificates in his wallet, had no training, …
High climbing tower techs bear the brunt of Artic blasts
A Georgia tower tech might be cursing the bone-chilling 26° temperature he’s working in this morning in Atlanta. At the same time, a Fargo, ND tower climber might be pleased with this morning’s weather report of -19° for most of the day in an environment that can see extreme cold temperatures of -70° as it was earlier this morning in Grand Fork. …
Mayor and FCC commish could be rumbling if Ninth Circuit gets broadband rule petition
The City of San Jose, Calif. joined by cities and municipalities within the state as well as in Washington state, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona, have filed a petition in the Tenth Circuit to move their petition to review court case over the FCC’s September ruling to deregulate small cell deployment, from Denver to San Francisco’s Ninth Circuit known for interpreting …
3Z’s antenna alignment tool with built-in camera is ideal for all carrier networks
A new antenna alignment tool that includes a built-in camera can now provide a visual line-of-sight image for each antenna in a mobile network is proving to be extraordinarily valuable for RF engineering teams when making coverage and capacity decisions for more exacting 5G networks, and to ensure that unseen challenges will be immediately known. 3Z Telecom, Inc., a leading …