Commentary – Craig Lekutis, Editor After an overview was published last week, of how the COVID-19 virus was affecting wireless infrastructure work conditions, dozens of updates were received by Wireless Estimator by the nation’s contractors with a key concern being their inability to obtain N95 masks, hand sanitizers and other PPE supplies. Also, the subjective slowdown in work averaged around 30% …
Connect (X): All Access will satisfy the industry’s pent-up thirst for knowledge – virtually
Connect (X), a leading 5G infrastructure annual conference in North America, originally scheduled to begin May 18, 2020 in the Miami Beach, Florida Convention Center has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, and in its place, the Wireless Infrastructure Association will offer “Connect (X): All Access,” a free global virtual conference featuring the best of the in-person event, debuting on …
Connect (X) still weighing its best options for the May 18-21 Miami Beach show
UPDATE: March 27, 2020 – The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), updated the status of their May 18 through 21, 2020 Connect (X) 2020 show to their exhibitors, attendees and sponsors on their web site Wednesday, as the planned dates for Connect (X) Miami approach. “The health and safety of each of you is our top priority. Like all of you, we are …
WIA report says CBRS spectrum will play a pivotal role across many industries
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) published a new report: “The CBRS Opportunity: New Spectrum, Stakeholders, Networks and Devices.” Written by members of WIA’s Innovation and Technology Council, the paper highlights the benefits, impact, and opportunities for commercial-use shared spectrum of Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) for existing and new networks. “The industry needs as much spectrum as possible as quickly …
IWCE reschedules it’s expo to August, WIA’s May show is still a go
In a there’s light at the end of the tunnel announcement, the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) announced that IWCE 2020 will take place on August 24-28, 2020 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Nevada. ETA’s Education Forum will also be rescheduled to take place at this time. The show had been originally scheduled to begin March 30, but …
Weekend decision shutters IWCE’s 2020 Las Vegas conference due to COVID 19 concerns
The International Wireless Communications Expo’s IWCE 2020 conference scheduled to take place March 30 – April 3 in Las Vegas has been cancelled due to concerns about attendees traveling and networking at a conference with the inherent possibly of being exposed to the Coronavirus (COVID 19). On Friday, IWCE said the show was a go since a large number of enhanced on-site …
Mobile World Congress show canceled over virus concerns, reimbursements unknown
The world’s biggest wireless show, Mobile World Congress (MWC), is no longer taking place this year in Barcelona after the coronavirus threatened to throw MWC into turmoil. The GSM Association (GSMA), which organizes the show, has now canceled it. It comes after more than a week of exhibitors and companies pulling out. One of the more recent cancellations came from …
Macro towers, 20K more trained tower techs and new skill sets needed to roll out 5G says FCC
Although small cells and 5G were high on the list of topics during yesterday’s U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation’s hearing on Industries of the Future, FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly emphasized that 5G deployment requires more than just sound spectrum policy to be successful, and macro towers and additional worker skill sets are needed “It will need a …
WIA awards raise over $400,000 for wireless workforce development
The second annual WIA Awards generated over $400,000 for wireless workforce education and training initiatives. The awards honored champions of the wireless workforce by celebrating members of Congress, the FCC, and industry who have made major contributions to develop the wireless workforce needed to build America’s 5G wireless networks. The event was held last night at the Conrad Hotel in …
Color privilege, gen sets, graffiti used as ploys to deny 5G deployments: WIA
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) has petitioned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to clarify its rules to facilitate broadband deployment by promoting collocations on existing wireless facilities. As part of its request, WIA has asked the FCC to rectify an unnecessary barrier to broadband deployment due to the divergent treatment of compound expansions around wireless facilities. These petitions are based on the FCC’s explicit authority …
2019 WIA awards to honor AT&T’s Susan Johnson with Distinguished Service Award
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) announced that it plans to recognize Susan Johnson, Executive Vice President of Global Connections & Supply Chain, AT&T, with its Distinguished Service Award. The WIA Foundation will present the honor at the 2019 WIA Awards on Oct. 1 in Washington, D.C. “Susan’s accomplishments represent the very embodiment of this year’s WIA Awards theme – wireless …
Momentum builds around wireless installations at military facilities leads Fast-Forward-Friday
Article Media Momentum builds around wireless installations at military facilities WIA Palm Beach and AT&T at odds over spotty service Palm Beach Post Virginia Beach leaders have concerns about 5G antennas Government Technology Crown Castle crushed its second-quarter earnings guidance The Motley Fool Brookfield inks $3.7 billion deal to invest in Reliance’s tower assets VC Circle With Ripon tower gone …
CTIA develops a new website to combat RF fear and fake news, but it can’t stop there
Commentary — Recurring headlines purporting that 5G is untested and RF radiation from cell towers could cause cancer is the ammunition being used to close down or prevent the addition of cell sites on school campuses or on adjacent properties throughout the nation. To cool down the heated campaigns, towercos and carriers simply refer opponents to the FCC’s Wireless Devices and …
Cell phones are probably not making us grow horns leads Fast-Forward Friday articles
Article Media Cell phones are probably not making us grow horns Smithsonian Removing Chinese telecommunications equipment from U.S. would cost more than $1 billion Broadban Breakfast Pai re-charters diversity advisory group, FCC seeking new members Inside Radio Researchers sent a fake, unblockable presidential alert to a 50,000-seat stadium Digital Trends Supreme Court leaves unanswered whether District Courts must defer to …
InSite’s Weisman elected WIA Chairman; new slate of officers named to WIA Board of Directors
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) has announced that David Weisman, President and Chief Executive Officer, InSite Wireless Group, LLC, was elected to serve as Chairman of WIA’s Board of Directors. A new slate of officers was also elected. Additional officers are: Vice Chairman: Jeffrey A. Stoops; President and Chief Executive Officer; SBA Communications Corporation; Secretary: Jay A. Brown, President and Chief Executive …
Tower Family Foundation appoints Willie Goldman to its Endowment Committee
The Tower Family Foundation announced today that Willie Goldman, Southeastern Regional Business Development Manager for Drake Lighting, LLC, has been appointed to serve on the Foundation’s Endowment Committee. The Tower Family Foundation made the announcement at the Connect (X) 2019 Conference that is taking place this week in Orlando, Fla. “The Tower Family Foundation is excited to continue to expand our …
5G was rushed to market – It shows, leads Fast-Forward Friday
Article Media 5G was rushed to market – It shows Light Reading Syracuse takes steps to address uncertainty over 5G wireless network FCC: Lack of coordinantion extended hurricane-related wireless outages Multichannel Broadband internet looms large in county commission election Government Technology Montana Governor vetoes bill creating tax abatement for high-speed broadband KPAX CenturyLink focused on fiber strategy, advisors hired …
WIA and PCCA announce workforce training collaboration; “More good news for 5G” says Commissioner Carr
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) and the Power and Communication Contractors Association (PCCA) announced today that they will work together to expand training initiatives to establish a stronger wireless workforce with the skills needed to deploy 5G networks. PCCA has developed successful utility technician training programs at community colleges and plans to enhance them with WIA’s wireless curricula to teach workers skills they need …
Grant Seiffert to Lead WIA’s workforce development team and TIRAP
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) announced that Grant Seiffert has joined WIA as Vice President of Workforce Development and Executive Director of Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP). “We are excited that Grant has joined the WIA team to help implement our vision of developing a stronger wireless workforce to build and maintain 5G networks,” said WIA President and CEO …
LMC council members WIA and EWA lock horns over 800 MHz expansion process management
Two of the Land Mobile Communications Council’s 16 members – the Enterprise Wireless Alliance (WEA) and the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) are at odds with each other after a year-long effort has failed to identify a viable approach to arrive at a consensus among the Business/Industrial (BI) and Public Safety (PS) frequency advisory committees (FACs) on how best to process …