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Charleston’s historic skyline is degraded by a 5G mono toilet paper pole: residents

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Founded 353 years ago, the City of Charleston, SC, is one of America’s most beautifully preserved architectural and historical treasures.  It boasts the first public college, museum, and playhouse in the U.S., and unfortunately, as The Post and Courier has labeled it, the first “toilet paper tower” that has become a “prominent and regrettable Charleston landmark.” The publication’s editorial excoriated the erection …

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Doctor Joyce examines a tower site to appreciate how the industry can assist in curing the digital divide

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Although Crown Castle’s safety protocols do not require having a medical doctor on a tower site when technicians are present, one was available for Novotech Construction’s safety-conscious tower techs recently should a medical emergency present itself during a recent tower compound visit by Pennsylvania Congressman John Joyce. Dr. Joyce has represented Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional District since January 2019 and has …

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Virginia broadband railroad crossing fee lawsuit says one price endangers site safety

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The Association of American Railroads wants a new Virginia law streamlining broadband providers’ access to railroad property invalidated. In a federal court lawsuit, it alleges that it amounts to an illegal taking and violates both the state and U.S. constitutions. They said it treats railroads, unlike any other landowner, “seizing from them and giving broadband service providers a permanent easement …

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Associations are swift with accolades for allocations after State-by-State BEAD funding is announced

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Ecstatic industry associations were quick to applaud Monday’s White House announcement concerning BEAD allocations for broadband infrastructure deployment, where five states snagged over $10 billion of the $42.5 billion in available funding. State by State funding amounts are available here. “Today is another milestone step in the process to ready the states and territories for the deployment of this generational …

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Five states snag over $10 Billion of $42.5 Billion available in broadband funding

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The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) today announced how it has allocated funding to all 50 states (VIEW ALLOCATIONS BELOW), the District of Columbia, and five territories to deploy affordable, reliable high-speed Internet service to everyone in America. This “Internet for All” initiative is a key component of President Biden’s “Investing in America” agenda. States, D.C., …

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NATE’s work zone protection safety video is a must view for ground level projects

In Daily News Briefs by Wireless Estimator

NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association announced today the official release of a video on Work Zone Protection. The video, the second to debut in Volume 6 of the Association’s popular #ClimberConnection series. The video shines a spotlight on the safety best practices associated with Work Zone Protection, specifically relating to the appropriate use of temporary traffic control devices, proper …

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While burning contractors and suppliers, Nexius’s facade exposed a possible terrorist cell site security hole

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As Nexius used ‘every trick’ to keep contractors working, although the company knew they would never pay them, the wireless infrastructure developer reportedly continued scamming T-Mobile by using a Nexius-aligned company in Lebanon that was prohibited from accessing T-Moble’s network – possibly exposing a network security threat to the nation’s second-largest mobile operator, according to sources familiar with the ruse. When …

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Over 5,200 infrastructure jobs are on the line as QualTek Services teeters on the edge of bankruptcy

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UPDATE: May 3, 2023 –  A spokesperson for QualTek said that the company’s employees’ jobs were not at risk,  and the turnkey infrastructure provider will “continue to be a workplace of choice.” They issued the following statement: “QualTek is continuing to actively negotiate with our creditors and is progressing towards a resolution that will position us for the future with a stronger …

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Eleven Senators say no to the NOFO prioritizing criminal hires for $42.5B BEAD infrastructure funds

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In a joint letter to Alan Davidson, who heads the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), a partisan group of 11 U.S. Senators were emphatic that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)  overstepped its bounds when it wrote the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the  Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program that addresses how $42.45 billion will …

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Crown Castle petitions FCC to clarify that nutrition labels are for retail only

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Although Crown Castle has informed the FCC that it supports the new broadband “nutrition” labels for mass market retailers, they want the agency to clarify that new required labels containing metrics about internet service to apply only to mass-market retail and not to the services provided to schools, libraries and health care under FCC universal service programs. In November, the …

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Wireless industry urges states to allow maximum flexibility in selecting broadband technologies

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Today, leading organizations representing the wireless industry sent letters to broadband offices in all US states and territories, urging them to allow for maximum flexibility in choosing the right mix of broadband technologies to meet their policy goals with Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) funds. Under the BEAD Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), states and territories are required to …

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Senators and witnesses assail the inaccuracies they have found on the FCC’s new broadband maps

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Senators and witnesses assailed the inaccuracies they found in the FCC’s new draft national broadband map during yesterday’s Senate Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband hearing. Although last month when the maps were released, the FCC said that they expected inaccuracies. FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said version one was “a beginning, not an endpoint.” At Tuesday’s hearing, Subcommittee Chairman Ben …

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Duke Energy heads back to court to reverse FCC’s slashing of rates for AT&T on utility poles

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On November 17, 2022, in a unanimous vote, the FCC stood by its 2021 decision regarding utility pole attachment rates in a dispute between AT&T and Duke Energy Progress, denying Duke Energy’s bid to revisit a ruling that slashed the rates that AT&T pays to attach equipment to its utility. FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel applauded the FCC’s resolution of the joint …

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FCC forces internet providers to publish ‘nutrition labels’ breaking down broadband charges

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The FCC unveiled new rules that will for the first time require broadband providers to display easy-to-understand labels to allow consumers to comparison shop for broadband services.  The Report and Order approved by the Commission creates rules that require broadband providers to display, at the point of sale, labels that show key information consumers want−prices, speeds, fees, data allowances, and …

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Light years ahead of previously cobbled data, FCC’s new broadband maps will still require severe scrutiny

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The FCC has unveiled the pre-production draft of its new broadband maps. These maps provide the best picture of where broadband is unavailable across the country. The maps will only get better from here, according to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. The FCC’s older maps collected data at the census block level, meaning that the whole block would show up as served on their …

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FCC to release long-awaited new broadband maps on November 18

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The Federal Communications Commission today announced that it will unveil a pre-production draft of new broadband maps on November 18, 2022.  This version is the first release of the map required by the Broadband DATA Act and will begin an ongoing, iterative process that will improve the data submitted by providers by incorporating challenges from individuals and other stakeholders. Broadband …

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FCC’s union shores up support for Gigi Sohn’s confirmation as the third Democratic FCC Commissioner

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  The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), which represents 800 FCC employees and thousands more, has come out in support of the nomination of Gigi Sohn for the still vacant fifth seat — and third Democrat — on the Federal Communications Commission. In a letter to Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, which failed to successfully report …

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Ian’s Florida cell site outages still critical in some counties with a 28% average as deaths continue to mount

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According to the FCC, the cell site outage average on Sunday dropped to 28% in the most affected Florida Counties that saw outages of 20% or higher. Although it’s a severe concern for residents and first responders still performing rescue missions, service had increased considerably since Thursday when half of the state’s cell sites were down. At least 89 people …

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Louisiana is first State to receive a broadband planning grant for an expected $1 billion in future funding

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U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) announced that Louisiana is the first state to receive broadband funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) he helped author and pass into law last year. This $2,941,542 grant is for the planning of the deployment and adoption of affordable and reliable high-speed internet throughout the state. During the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill negotiations, Cassidy …

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Topping estimates, all Valmont segments are up in Q2 financial report but telecommunications shines

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Shares of Valmont Industries (VMI) hit their highest level in more than a month, gaining 7.8% to $256.53 in noontime trading after the infrastructure and agricultural solutions provider reported Q2 2022 results that beat estimates and raised its FY guidance. In the past five days, the stock has seen a rise of $31.59, a 14.08% increase. Valmont said that it had record sales …