The FCC released a ruling yesterday that repacking expenses incurred before or during the upcoming broadcast incentive auction, such as tower mapping and structural analysis expenses, will be compensated by the FCC so long as they are coverer repacking-related expenses and the TV station has to move to a new channel in the repack. “We interpret the statutory reimbursement mandate …
Broadcasters will hear about the consequences of the FCC’s incentive auction
Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. will participate in a featured presentation about the incentive auction at the NAB Show Broadcasting Engineering Conference on Tues., April 19, 2016, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PT at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Shane O’Donoghue, Director of Broadcasting for Empire State Building, will speak on the Consequences of the Incentive Auction for Broadcasters as part …
FCC chief says spectrum auction could extend into fiscal year 2017
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler informed a Senate appropriations subcommittee yesterday morning that the incentive auction of 600 MHz spectrum may extend into 2017 if it doesn’t raise enough to pay broadcasters for the airwaves. The possibility of an extended timeframe is one reason why the FCC is requesting an additional $11 million in federal funds, Wheeler said during the hearing. …
One company fined for not getting a small cell permit, another for not permitting inspectors
A cell site developer was fined $5,000 last month for constructing what appears to be a small cell without a permit, according to a citation document issued by the City of Baltimore, Md., and a Philadelphia, Pa. broadcaster was given an $89,200 fine for not allowing FCC agents on site to perform an inspection, and for being on a different …
Guyed tower collapses on White House lawn hurling lighting debris into President’s office
Washington’s federal buildings are still on lock down after a communications tower collapsed on the south lawn of the White House at about 8:12 a.m., according to Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason who witnessed the guyed tower “teeter for about a minute, buckle and then twist like a drunken dreidel before it smashed to the ground.” Capitol Police and Secret …
FCC auction has kicked off with NAB and NATE still ticked off
The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) auction to buy spectrum from television stations, repack the spectrum, and then sell it to wireless providers, kicked off yesterday with broadcasters having to make a commitment as to whether and how they would participate. But a 39-month post auction deadline is seen as too compressed by the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). And the …
Crew and subcontracting requirements could change with proposed OSHA/FCC best practices
If the best practices (BPs) being developed by the Federal Communications Commission and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration are implemented nation-wide, it is likely that the industry will see a marked improvement in fatality and injury counts. It will also assist in reducing the number of companies in the industry that provide lower bids because they’re not burdened by …
FCC Chairman’s zero fatality message is clear even with slightly different fatality count
Thursday’s message at the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and the Federal Communications Commission workshop was loud and clear as stated by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. “The industry that provides world-class wireless service must have world-class safety for its employees and contractors. Period,” said Wheeler in his opening remarks during the half-day session (video available here) at FCC headquarters in …
The cell phone in your pocket shouldn’t cost a worker’s life
By Dr. David Michaels and Roger Sherman – Wireless services have opened up avenues of communication and resources unlike any in history. We rely on these connections to stay in touch with friends and family members, operate businesses and communicate on a global scale. But providing these innovative services through networks of communication towers should not come at the cost …
Empire State Building and NAB press the FCC for bidding expense compensation
Representatives of the Empire State Building and the National Association of Broadcasters have pressed the Federal Communications Commission to reimburse broadcasters for expenses they incur in the lead-up to the airwaves auction, according to a filing yesterday. On Jan. 29, 2016, those representatives met with officials of the Incentive Auction Task Force, Office of General Counsel and the Media Bureau …
FCC and DOL’s tower climber safety and apprenticeship program’s workshop agenda set
As part of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) and Department of Labor’s (DOL) efforts to reduce communications tower-related fatalities and injuries, the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announce the agenda for their upcoming workshop on tower climber safety and Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP). As …
Bankrupt PCS carrier says FCC illegally re-auctioned its licenses
Bankrupt Alpine PCS, a successful bidder in two California spectrum deals in a 1996 Federal Communications C-Block auction, has filed a $21 million lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, against the FCC that alleges the agency breached a written and oral contract when it found the Michigan-based carrier in default of payment for its licenses and re-auctioned them. …
FCC’s wireless competition report has its Commissioner and association adversaries
The Federal Communications Commission released its 18th report to Congress on competition in the wireless industry which sheds little light on whether or not carriers are competitive. The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau said in its report that the goal of the Commission is to promote competition and it “must continue to play an essential role in the mobile wireless industry,” hopefully …
FCC and DOL announce second workshop on tower climber safety and apprenticeship program
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Employment and Training Administration (ETA) have announced preliminary details of a second workshop on tower climber safety and the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP). The first joint FCC-DOL workshop on these subjects was held on October 14, 2014. The upcoming workshop, to be …
FCC hits two carriers with $85,000 in fines for RF exposure rooftop violations in Arizona
Two carriers were cited by the Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau for similar violations for failing to comply with the FCC’s radio frequency exposure limits after the owner of a building at 4040 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz. complained to enforcement agents that his building staff have difficulty gaining RF exposure safety assistance from the carriers that use his rooftop. …
Telemundo’s WNJU tops the list at $900 million in FCC’s new repacking auction prices
The FCC has adjusted repacking opening bid prices for TV stations in the reverse auction, with Telemundo’s WNJU New York having the highest bid price at $900 million, with WCBS coming in second at $889 million. The changes do not impact the start date of the auction, which begins March 29, 2015. In order for broadcasters to have 60 days …
Lack of tower crews and antenna manufacturers cited as reasons to revisit repacking deadline
The National Association of Broadcasters has asked the Federal Communications Commission to reconsider the 39-month repacking window following next year’s TV spectrum incentive auction. The trade group commissioned a study from Digital Tech Consulting. The study concluded that the Commission’s three-month window for filing for construction permits falls well short of the actual time needed to submit and process the …
Assisted by Dr. Dre, Pai frames 5G plan at 4G America’s technology symposium
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai addressed the “Future of Mobile Broadband in the Americas LTE to 5G Network Innovation” on Thursday at 4G America’s Technology Symposium with assistance from start to end from record producer, rapper and entrepreneur Dr. Dre. “Now, I understand that some might be a bit confused. After all, this is 4G Americas, the event is about 5G, …
Tower owner skates on $231,000 in FCC fines by playing the wolf at the door card
Johnson Towers Corporation (JTC), an owner-operated Florida company, agreed to a consent decree with the Federal Communications Commission to pay $3,000 in three installments of $1,000 each year for not installing obstruction lighting on two antenna structures and update registration information with the FCC to show the dismantlement of a third tower. The company’s owner, Dan L. Johnson, agreed that …
FCC’s AM revitalization order will help stations in troubling times
The Federal Communications Commission has moved forward to revitalize a dying industry, AM radio, by releasing their AM Radio Revitalization Report and Order late Friday afternoon. FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai said the order will ease regulatory burdens on AM broadcasters and address practical problems and interference-related issues that have long plagued AM stations. It includes multiple actions to expand access …