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Sprint’s 5G ‘E’ lawsuit against AT&T settled, ending what was considered a PR ploy

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

According to a court document obtained by Wireless Estimator, Sprint’s lawsuit against AT&T for deceptively marketing its upgraded 4G service as “5G Evolution,” has been settled. U.S. District Court Judge Vernon Broderick for the Southern District of New York said that both parties informed him during a status conference yesterday that they had reached a settlement. They’re required by tomorrow …

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The 5G status quo is clearly not good enough: T-Mobile’s Neville Ray, who slams Millimeter-wave

In Daily News Briefs by Wireless Estimator

  Editor’s note: Instead of paraphrasing T-Mobile CTO Neville Ray’s comments in his blog today, we’ve published it in its entirety. Of interest, he doesn’t comment about any of Sprint’s 5G comments that could be seen as embellishments.  5G is at the height of the hype curve right now. There’s a lot of buzz and froth about this vital, important …

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As structured, Sprint/T-Mobile merger is likely to fail, WSJ quotes antitrust staffers

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

Department of Justice antitrust staffers have told T-Mobile US and Sprint that their planned merger is unlikely to be approved as currently structured, casting doubt on the fate of the $26 billion deal, according to the Wall Street Journal. On Twitter, T-Mobile CEO John Legere said, “The premise of this story, as summarized in the first paragraph, is simply untrue. …

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AT&T seeks to kayo Sprint’s ‘fake’ 5G Evolution lawsuit since consumers don’t understand 5G standards

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

AT&T has asked a New York federal court to dismiss a false advertising lawsuit filed by Sprint on Feb. 7, 2019 that alleges AT&T is deceptively marketing its upgraded 4G service as “5G Evolution,” arguing that Sprint can’t prove that their 5G Evolution ads make an express claim and “by attaching ‘Evolution’ to the term ‘5G’ the ads invoke the …

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Sprint may have shot itself in the foot by removing a cell site for PR purposes

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

Bowing to community pressure, Sprint turned off a cell site at the Weston Elementary School in Ripon Calif. last week after community activists demanded its removal after four students were diagnosed with cancer over the past few years. Although three RF tests were made and the results showed that the site was well below federal compliance standards, as Wireless Estimator …

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Bowing to PR pressure, Sprint turns off a cell site that passed RF tests three times

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

UPDATE – April 5, 2019 – Lawyers at the Cochran Law Firm said yesterday they’re investigating a link between cancer-causing chemicals used at the former Nestle decaffeination plant near the Ripon school site, and the high rate of cancer in the area, according to CBS 13. April 4, 2019 — Although a Sprint cell site at the Weston Elementary School in Ripon, Calif. …

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Widening student cancer concerns appear to be based upon inaccurate cell site RF test results

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

When a fourth child was diagnosed with cancer at a San Joaquin County, Calif. elementary school earlier this year, parents championed the need to have a Sprint cell tower removed from the Weston Elementary school campus since it could be causing harm to students. The Ripon Unified School District (RUSD) sent out a letter to parents stating that the RF …

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T-Mobile’s filing disappears as FCC resets merger clock to review it

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

UPDATE: March 8, 2019 – The T-Mobile filing that caused the FCC to extend its time for the review of the T-Mobile/Sprint merger became publicly available again at approximately 3:00 p.m. today after visitors received a confusing ‘Access Denied” message for at least nine hours when clicking on news reports’ links as well as a link in a blog from T-Mobile CEO …

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Free Press: FCC broadband gains overstated leads Fast Forward Friday news

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

Article Media Free Press: FCC broadband gains overstated B+C Huawei sues U.S. as ‘last resort’ to fight government ban UPI Was a cell tower illegally built in an Atlanta neighborhood AJC South Korea delays commercial 5G service over phone and carrier issues VB AT&T expects to hit second FirstNet buildout Milestone by year-end Missiona Critical Interoperability debate dominates carrier-selection panel …

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T-Mobile accusations rebutted as city leaders’ group joins anti-merger movement

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

T-Mobile has informed the FCC that the Rural Wireless Association (RWA) has been falsely accusing the carrier of falsifying its 4G coverage maps and is not following the procedures the FCC adopted for challenging areas ineligible for Mobility Fund Phase ll funding. In correspondence to the FCC, T-Mobile said that the RWA “did not follow the rules for submitting a challenge …

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Sprint’s 5G service to launch in May starting in Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and Kansas City

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

Today at MWC Barcelona, Sprint announced that standards-based 5G is now on-air, with commercial service expected to launch starting in May. Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and Kansas City are expected to be among the first cities to offer commercial 5G service; with Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Phoenix and Washington D.C. also slated to launch in the first half of 2019. At launch, Sprint said its customers can expect mobile 5G coverage ranging …

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FCC admits to and fixes ASR flaw that allowed 40-plus illegal tower ownership changes

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

The FCC will enact a new procedure for reporting tower ownership changes in their Antenna Structure Registration System (ASR) on Feb. 14, 2019 to reduce the risk of unauthorized changes being made. The new process was propelled after the FCC found, as reported exclusively by Wireless Estimator, that in early 2016, a Wisconsin wireless contractor discovered a flaw in the ASR …

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Contractor survey uncovers some startling financial statistics that could trigger a 5G train wreck

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

In their drive to lower capex as they roll out 5G, carriers have created a troubling national Achille’s heel – a contractor base that has many companies swimming in debt with serious cash flow problems, according to results of an extensive nationwide survey taken by Wireless Estimator. The wireless contractor survey that was completed last quarter by 263 vetted companies, clearly indicates that …

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Comments on contractor roadblocks set up by carriers that will derail America’s 5G race

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

Deeply concerned about the unsustainable state of wireless contracting, company executives provided 328 optional comments in Wireless Estimator’s extensive survey that was unveiled today. Armed with anonymity, it’s not possible to verify the accuracy of their statements. But it’s clear that their comments, in most cases, were well-thought-out summaries of the difficulties they are facing as carrier capex cuts, extended …

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World’s first 5G data call using 2.5 GHz and Massive MIMO made by Sprint in San Diego

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

Sprint has announced it has reached a significant milestone on its path towards launching mobile 5G service beginning in the first half of this year. Together with Nokia and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, the companies this week completed the world’s first over-the-air 5G data transmission using 2.5 GHz and Massive MIMO on Sprint’s live commercial network, …

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Deaths, cancer concerns attributed to AT&T cell site are unfounded leads Fast-Forward-Friday

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

  Article Media Deaths, cancer concerns attributed to AT&T cell site are unfounded Sonoma West Times FCC committtee proposes tax on websites to pay for rural broadband ARS Technica CWA, Dish, NTCA, part of new colaition opposing Sprint/T-Mobile Deal ECN AT&T: Ten predictions for the next 25 year WIA Verizon to buy out more than 10,000 employees, take a $4.6B …

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Carriers weigh in on using ‘fatally flawed’ coverage maps for dishing out universal service funds

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

The Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) has joined the chorus of concern as to the possibility that some wireless carriers falsely reported information about their coverage areas to the FCC, therefore violating mapping rules pertaining to the Mobility Fund Phase ll reverse auction, as reported by Wireless Estimator. CCA Sr. V.P. Tim Donovan testified during a House Communications and Technology hearing …

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Mayor and FCC commish could be rumbling if Ninth Circuit gets broadband rule petition

In Featured News by Wireless Estimator

The City of San Jose, Calif. joined by cities and municipalities within the state as well as in Washington state, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona, have filed a petition in the Tenth Circuit to move their petition to review court case over the FCC’s September ruling to deregulate small cell deployment, from Denver to San Francisco’s Ninth Circuit known for interpreting …