The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) today announced the creation of a ground-breaking new conference and trade show dedicated to the rapidly evolving telecommunications ecosystem. Over three action-packed days, attendees will experience cutting-edge discussions, workshops and keynote speeches from leaders across multiple industries – from wireless infrastructure and automotive to smart cities and commercial real estate. The Connectivity Expo — known …
FCC says wireless carriers remain competitive, but not by building new cell sites
Carriers captured high grades for competitiveness, according to the FCC’s Twentieth Mobile Wireless Competition Report, an annual analysis of whether there is effective rate rivalry with wireless operators Although the 34-page report provides a wealth of additional information to support competitiveness, according to Jonathan Adelstein, President and CEO of the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), anybody who has turned on a …
HetNet Expo will focus on connected realty, densification and smart cities
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) has announced highlights for its annual HetNet Expo, Oct. 10-11, 2017 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. HetNet Expo brings together professionals from across the entire wireless ecosystem to share valuable information and opinions about the latest mobile communications technologies and the overall state of the wireless industry. HetNet …
New task force to address smart city infrastructure needed for 5G
The Wireless Infrastructure Association(WIA) and the Smart City Council (SCC) announced today the creation of the Smart Communities Infrastructure Task Force with a primary objective of educating and empowering communities and stakeholders as they work to deploy the wireless and wireline broadband networks that are essential to smart city applications. Key Focus Areas of the Smart Communities Infrastructure Task Force …
White House says POTUS picks FCC’s top counsel to be Republican Commissioner
As anticipated, the White House has announced that President Donald Trump has nominated Brendan Carr to fill the open Republican seat on the Federal Communications Commission. Carr, a former telecom lawyer, joined the Commission in 2012 as then Commissioner Ajit Pai’s wireless public safety and international legal advisor and was then appointed in January to general counsel by Chairman Pai. …
WIA endorses Trump administration apprenticeship reforms, TIRAP welcomes 12 contractors
The Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP) and the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) announced today that 12 companies have signed agreements to be Participating Employers in the nation’s only telecommunications apprenticeship program. This pledge from private businesses will accelerate the fulfillment of TIRAP’s goal to address the skills gap in the telecommunications industry by adopting an apprenticeship model, which is …
Steven Marshall elected Chairman of Wireless Infrastructure Association
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) today announced that Steven Marshall, Executive Vice President and President of the U.S. Tower Division at American Tower Corp., was elected to serve as Chairman of the WIA’s Board of Directors. Marshall has served on the WIA Board of Directors since 2010 and brings a depth of industry experience and business leadership to WIA. He …
Industry applauds OSHA / FCC’s long-awaited Communication Tower Best Practices guide
The FCC and OSHA today released their Communication Tower Best Practices guide following a concerted joint effort on industry safety when the two agencies began the initiative with a workshop in Washington, D.C. in 2014 and continued the effort with another group of industry stakeholders in 2016. Although the guide is advisory in nature, and is not a standard or regulation, …
WIA launches new industry education and training programs
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) today announced the creation of the Telecommunications Education Center (TEC), a new program and online portal that aims to provide the wireless telecommunications industry with a series of education and training courses with the goal of building a stronger and more diverse workforce. TEC ( aims to improve safety and quality, reduce costs of wireless …
NATE’s in O’Rielly’s corner on common sense obstruction marking provisions
The National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) today applauded FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly for his common sense approach to the tower obstruction marking provisions currently confronting the communications tower industry. The broad-based tower marking requirements were part of the FAA Extension, Safety and Security Act of 2016 and mandate improved physical markings and/or lighting on towers ranging from 50’ – …
Repack is kick-started after FCC’s auction results are unveiled
T-Mobile, Dish Network and Comcast were the top bidders in the incentive spectrum auction for 70 MHz of airwaves, according to an FCC announcement that will now jumpstart the nation’s long-awaited repacking efforts. The Commission now commences a 39-month transition period to move broadcast stations to new channel assignments. The first group of stations to move channels is scheduled for …
NATE goes full bore into the beltway to address industry’s and nation’s priorities
Timed to coincide with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai’s declaration of April 2017 as “Infrastructure Month”, executives of the National Association of Tower Erectors were in Washington, D.C. last week for a series of legislative and regulatory meetings. During the productive week, the NATE delegation, consisting of Chairman Jim Tracy, Board of Directors member John Paul Jones, Executive …
FCC appoints WIA members and leaders to broadband deployment committee
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai today announced that members and leaders of the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) were selected to serve on the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC), a new federal advisory committee charged with exploring ways to accelerate deployment of high-speed Internet access nationwide and to close the digital divide. WIA members named to the Committee include: Marc Ganzi, Chief …
Adelstein drives home need to remove regulatory barriers at South Wireless Summit
Jonathan Adelstein, CEO and President of the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), delivered a keynote address at the annual South Wireless Summit here today in which he highlighted the crucial work the association is doing in Washington and in state capitals across the United States to remove barriers to the deployment of wireless infrastructure. “Creating a predictable business environment helps us …
WIA chair believes 50-foot small cells are reasonable, urges congress to remove barriers
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), Thomas A. “Tam” Murray, today urged members of the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology to continue its work toward streamlining the widespread deployment of wireless broadband in communities throughout the United States. He also informed the subcommittee that WIA was “tremendously in favor of long lease …
Wireless Infrastructure Association named national sponsor for TIRAP
The Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP) announced today that the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) was selected to serve as National Sponsor for the program, and that TIRAP had secured approval for four additional credentialed occupations. TIRAP is a joint venture of telecommunications companies, industry associations and the U.S. Department of Labor that develops DOL-credentialed apprenticeship programs available to qualified …
WIA outlines convincing small cell deployment barriers nation faces
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) filed formal written comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in its “Streamlining Deployment of Small Cell Infrastructure By Improving Wireless Facilities Siting Policies” proceeding. In its filing, WIA stressed the importance of maintaining a fair and competitive marketplace to promote the widespread deployment of wireless infrastructure in communities across the United States. More importantly, …
WIA expands frequency coordination operations with addition of microwave
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), which currently provides frequency coordination services to private and public entities, has added microwave frequency coordination to its comprehensive list of frequency coordination services. The new license management and frequency protection and monitoring services include: Point-To-Point Microwave coordination and Part 101 coordination for Multiple Address Systems along with associated Frequency Protection and Monitoring; FAA Studies/FCC …
WIA presses for small cells on pole facilities with its detailed primer
Attaching small wireless antennas and associated equipment – such as distributed antenna system (DAS) remote units, remote radio units and self-contained small cells – on existing poles or structures significantly improves the coverage and capacity of mobile networks, according to a new white paper titled “Small Cells on Pole Facilities: A Primer on How Utility Poles, Street Lights and Traffic …
New Navy guidelines will streamline the wireless siting process on federal bases
The United States Department of the Navy (DON) has formally released new guidelines designed to improve the speed at which wireless infrastructure facilities are deployed on properties owned by the U.S. Government and operated by the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps. The memorandum — titled “Streamlined Process for Commercial Broadband Deployment” — was signed by the Deputy Under Secretary …